
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year from Respiratory Decade!!

We wish you Happy New Year! 2012 was very important year for us: many things were realized, many plans were done, many new people joined our initiative! But now is time to make plans for the future for 2013!  
What we are planning: a lot of new materials and reports from international congresses, organizing of Respiratory days of Respiratory diseases and continuing promotion of Respiratory conditions at the Global level! We are open for new proposals from your! 

Thank you for your help,
without you our initiative is impossible!
and now we are inviting you to taste Happy New Year Cake:

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas to all Respiratory friends!

Merry Christmas to all Respiratory friends!!!
Thank you for all your permanent help and support in this hard year! We realized very useful things for promotion of ALL Respiratory diseases! We are hoping that we will continue this work with your help and in 2013.
You can join our Respiratory multinational and multilateral initiative! We welcome to join our team via all our groups and pages!
Merry Christmas from Respiratory Decade team!

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

TBNET Academy: FREE fellowships grants

The 2nd TBNET Academy will take place in Chisinau, Moldova from May 19th to May 23rd, 2013.

The TBNET-Academy provides a forum for young clinicians and scientists in the field of TB to exchange ideas and to learn from each other under expert guidance and mentorship. Especially the 2nd TBNET-Academy in Chisinau will draw attention to the particular problems of TB control and treatment in high incidence countries by addressing local problems and learning from international and local experts.
More information:

Keynote lectures on:
Tuberculosis in Europe
TBNET: Collaborative Research in Europe
The future on TB treatment
Non tuberculous mycobacteria infections
Tb control and elimination
Special features:
How to prepare a research project?
How to get funded?
How to write a manuscript?