
Saturday, September 27, 2014

The 4 Most Common Sleeping Positions

How you sleep also affects your physical health. For example, the freefall position (lying on your front with your hands around the pillow and your head turned to one side) is good for digestion. But the "soldier" (lying on your back with both arms pinned to your sides) and the "starfish" may lead to snoring and a bad night's sleep.
Sleep apnea is worse when you sleep on your back, and other patients with leg cramps and restless legs syndrome restless legs syndrome have leg discomfort, so they tend to sleep in the fetal position and hold their legs.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Science Of Sleeping

Today we are presenting infographic from Hufftington Post about gender differences in sleeping patterns and harmonious solutions for couples who are sharing a bed!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

The Best Sleep Position

Fatigue, sleep apnea, headaches, heartburn, and back pain are some of the complaints that can be aggravated by improper sleep posture and a bad night's sleep!

Sixty-three percent of people sleep on their side. Only 14% sleep on their back and 16% on their stomach. Which way is best?
Go with the flow. 
You may have heard that sleeping on your back prevents facial wrinkles because nothing is pushing against your face, but that doesn't mean you should change your snooze. Trying to change your natural sleep position can harm the quality of your sleep.
Mattress matters. 
The condition of your mattress will often dictate your sleep position. If you have an old, worn-out mattress that sags in the middle, sleeping on your side or stomach is more difficult.
Taking sides. 
The majority of people are side sleepers, but the jury is still out on which side -- left or right -- is more popular. Most people stick with one position, but that can shift as you age, usually due to health issues. Also, no one stays in one position all night, and doing so is not good for circulation.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Alveolus: Impact of anemia on functional state of patients with COPD

Dear friends we are happy to present our study which was published today on line in Alveolus - The Official Journal of the Respiratory Assembly of Hellenic Society for the Advancement of Biomedical Research!

Special thanks to our friend and Editor in Chief of Alveolus  Alexandros G. Mathioudakis!

Background: The occurrence and prevalence of anemia in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) has been little studied. Recent studies prove that anemia in patients with COPD is highly prevalent and associated with increased mortality. Anemia is such a common and simple clinical finding that its real physiologic relevance in COPD can be frequently underestimated.
The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of anemia in patients with COPD and to analyse the associations between hemoglobin levels and some clinical outcomes.
You can access full text of the article on official site of Alveolus:

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Mini Munich: Healthy Lungs for Life

This summer, some of the 2,000 children involved in Mini Munich created a video on the theme of lung health and clean air as part of Healthy Lungs for Life. Here is the result.
See you in Munich!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Clean Air and Lung Health - Healthy Lungs for Life

Mortality attributable to ambient / household air pollution is numbered in the millions and is affecting people in both developing and developed countries.  This documentary tackles the issues faced by both the public and patients regarding the fight for clean air — air free from particulate matter, pathogens, smoke and dangerous gases. While there has been significate progress in the last decades in terms of air quality, we still have a lot of work to do in order to reach the levels suggested in WHO guidelines. 
Using statistics from the ERS White book and resources from ERS/ELF Healthy Lungs for Life campaign, ERS experts outline what can  be done by all stake holders in respiratory medicine, from healthcare professionals to policy makers, to help make the changes we need to #BreatheCleanAir.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

See you in Munich!

Dear Respiratory Friends See you in Munich this and next week at European Respiratory Society Congress 2014!