
Sunday, October 26, 2014

CHEST World Congress in April 2016

The American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) announced today at its CHEST Annual Meeting in Austin that CHEST World Congress 2016 will be held in Shanghai, China, in April 2016. Clinicians specializing in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine from around the world are expected to participate in the event, offered with support of the Chinese Thoracic Society (CTS).  

Delegates who attend CHEST World Congress 2016 in Shanghai will participate in a variety of educational experiences ranging from hands-on simulation training and keynote addresses to presentations by leading health-care experts and reports on the latest research in chest medicine.

“We are pleased to announce Shanghai, China, as the location of our next CHEST World Congress,” said Paul A. Markowski, executive vice president and CEO at CHEST. “We expect that this congress will attract clinicians practicing in China, across the Asia Pacific region, and throughout the world who will benefit from the educational and clinical resources CHEST delivers to help improve patient care.”

“We are already working to make CHEST World Congress 2016 in Shanghai bigger and better,” said Michael H. Baumann, MD, MS, FCCP, president of the American College of Chest Physicians.  “This CHEST World Congress will complement the launch last summer of our pulmonary and critical care fellowship training program in partnership with the Chinese Thoracic Society.  The first graduates will complete their training in the summer of 2016, shortly after our World Congress.”
“This program will offer the great clinical science our clinicians have come to expect from CHEST and will be easily accessible for our global community,” added Darcy Marciniuk, MD, FCCP, CHEST World Congress 2016 program co-chair. “We look forward to a robust congress with opportunities for networking, our signature simulation education, as well as presentations by international thought leaders in pulmonary, critical care, and sleep medicine.”

Saturday, October 18, 2014

2014 Guidelines: Preventing Acute Exacerbation in COPD: An Evidence-Based Approach

Experts in COPD and evidence-based medicine from CHEST and the Canadian Thoracic Society have issued a clinical practice guideline Prevention of Acute Exacerbations of COPD. Recommendations are graded in accordance with the strength of the supporting evidence and take into account physician and patient preferences. Text and evidence tables provide information concerning supporting data for the thoughtful physician. Topics covered include pharmacologic treatments, nonpharmacologic treatments, and management strategies. Easy online access makes this guideline a useful, daily tool for the busy clinician.

Exacerbations are to COPD what myocardial infarctions are to coronary artery disease: they are acute, trajectory-changing, and often deadly manifestations of a chronic disease. 

Thursday, October 16, 2014

How Much Sleep Does A Genius Need?

What the graph reveals is that exceptional minds generally have entirely un-exceptional sleep schedules. As you can see, most were in bed around 10:00pm and up not too long after dawn. And most were getting a solid seven or eight hours of sleep. There are studies that suggest that people are more creative at night or when they're tired, but clearly, even the world's greatest minds couldn't run on empty. Other than Balzac (who made up for his night-owlish ways during the evening and morning), very few geniuses were pulling all-nighters (although, we can't speak for their college years).

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Final programme of the 23rd Congress of The Romanian Society of Pulmonology: 8-11 Octomber

Dear friends, see you next week in Sibiu, Romania for the Congress of The Romanian Society of Pneumology, between 8 and 11 October. 
Find the scientific programme in detail at
or just click!!!