
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

HRCT of fibrosing lung disease (free download)

The use of high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) has brought increased diagnostic discrimination to the evaluation of lung disease, particularly fibrosing lung diseases.Once the presence of a predominantly fibrosing lung disease has been established on evaluation of a HRCT, a stepwise approach is proposed that can refine the potential HRCT diagnoses from a list of over 100 different interstitial lung diseases to one of only five fibrosing lung diseases.Within the category of the fibrosing lung diseases, the recognition of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is key. IPF is the most prevalent idiopathic interstitial pneumonia and has a mortality greater than any of the other diffuse lung diseases. Several diagnostic dilemmas are explored including challenges with the recent IPF diagnosis and management guidelines (2011), as well as with the ‘difficult to characterize’ fibrosing diseases such as smoking-related lung fibrosis, unclassifiable disease and acute exacerbations of fibrosing lung disease.
free dowload:

Antimicrobial resistance in 2015 (free download)

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in humans is inter-linked with AMR in other populations, especially farm animals, and in the wider environment. The relatively few bacterial species that cause disease in humans, and are the targets of antibiotic treatment, constitute a tiny subset of the overall diversity of bacteria that includes the gut microbiota and vast numbers in the soil. However, resistance can pass between these different populations; and homologous resistance genes have been found in pathogens, normal flora and soil bacteria. Farm animals are an important component of this complex system: they are exposed to enormous quantities of antibiotics (despite attempts at reduction) and act as another reservoir of resistance genes. Whole genome sequencing is revealing and beginning to quantify the two-way traffic of AMR bacteria between the farm and the clinic. Surveillance of bacterial disease, drug usage and resistance in livestock is still relatively poor, though improving, but achieving better antimicrobial stewardship on the farm is challenging: antibiotics are an integral part of industrial agriculture and there are very few alternatives. Human production and use of antibiotics either on the farm or in the clinic is but a recent addition to the natural and ancient process of antibiotic production and resistance evolution that occurs on a global scale in the soil. Viewed in this way, AMR is somewhat analogous to climate change, and that suggests that an intergovernmental panel, akin to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, could be an appropriate vehicle to actively address the problem.
full text (free download):

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Medscape Pulmonologist Compensation Report 2015: How much do pulmonologists earn???

Our 2015 Physician Compensation Report provides the most recent salary data from nearly 20,000 physicians across 26 specialties. See how much doctors are earning, learn about salary trends and find out how physicians are adapting to the new healthcare environment.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Prevention of Acute Exacerbation of COPD: American College of Chest Physicians and Canadian Thoracic Society Guideline 2015 (free download)

Respiratory decade is happy to present you new COPD Guidelines 2015!
The overall objective of this CHEST and CTS joint evidence-based guideline (AECOPD Guideline) was to create a practical, clinically useful document describing the current state of knowledge regarding the prevention of AECOPD according to major categories of prevention therapies. We accomplished this by using recognized document evaluation tools to assess and choose the most appropriate studies and evidence to extract meaningful data and to grade the level of evidence supporting the recommendations in a balanced and unbiased fashion. The AECOPD Guideline is unique not only for its topic but also for the first-in-kind partnership between two of the largest thoracic societies in North America. The CHEST Guidelines Oversight Committee in partnership with the CTS COPD Clinical Assembly launched this project with the objective that a systematic review and critical evaluation of the published literature by clinical experts and researchers in the field of COPD would lead to a series of recommendations to assist clinicians in their management of the patient with COPD. This guideline is unique because a group of interdisciplinary clinicians who have special expertise in COPD clinical research and care led the development of the guideline process with the assistance of methodologists.
Full text of the guidelines:

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Facebook for science

Discussion with Brett Buttliere, of the Knowledge Media Research Center at the University of Tübingen in Germany, who wrote briliant article on Using science and psychology to improve the dissemination and evaluation of scientific work.
Brett Buttliere said: I believe science would benefit from having one online platform for people to do basically all aspects of science in, including review. Such a system would probably involve: a user friendly profile, a feed of (science) stories based upon previous viewing behavior, the ability for users to like, comment, and interact with content (e.g., papers, datasets, materials) within the system, and some sort of impact metrics that quantify the individual’s contribution into the system; basically, something like a Facebook or Twitter for science.

Such a system would take the most laborious and time consuming aspects of the research process and facilitate them within the system, making it better for everyone involved. Especially the data associated with such a system would achieve this by encouraging researchers to make contributions that are appreciated by the community (e.g., statistical reanalysis, replications, insightful comments, curating good content).
Researchers would be encouraged to reanalyze data or make insightful comments because they would gain a reputation by doing so. Researchers would want to upload their data because it would enable these trusted individuals to reanalyze it and leave their stamp of approval (thus drawing others in). Readers would benefit from seeing these efforts and the system could even examine network maps of papers, authors, and keywords to find the best paper(s) to inform their own research.
More generally, I understand that many are already working toward these goals, so in the paper I focused more on trying to take what we know about psychology into the design and implementation plans for such a system. People are not rewarded under the current system for doing the things outlined above, so they generally don’t; the current system actually rewards doing bad science, and we are all worse for it. The system needs to be focused on rewarding good behaviors rather than punishing bad ones, which experience shows tends to make the problem worse by making better cheaters (think of what happened with alcohol during the Prohibition Era.)
click for more information

Monday, April 20, 2015

An official American Thoracic Society/European Respiratory Society statement: research questions in COPD 2015 UPDATE

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a leading cause of morbidity, mortality, and resource use worldwide. The goal of this official American Thoracic Society (ATS)/European Respiratory Society (ERS) research statement is to describe evidence related to diagnosis, assessment and management; identify gaps in knowledge; and make recommendations for future research. It is not intended to provide clinical practice recommendations on COPD diagnosis and management.
Clinicians, researchers, and patient advocates with expertise in COPD were invited to participate. A literature search of Medline was performed, and studies deemed relevant were selected. The search was not a systematic review of the evidence. Existing evidence was appraised and summarised, and then salient knowledge gaps were identified.
Recommendations for research that addresses important gaps in the evidence in all areas of COPD were formulated via discussion and consensus.

Great strides have been made in the diagnosis, assessment and management of COPD, as well as understanding its pathogenesis. Despite this, many important questions remain unanswered. This ATS/ERS research statement highlights the types of research that leading clinicians, researchers, and patient advocates believe will have the greatest impact on patient-centred outcomes.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Asthma 2015 Guidelines: The 2015 update of the Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention

The 2015 update of the Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention incorporates new scientific information about asthma based on a review of recent scientific literature by an international panel of experts on the GINA Science Committee. It is the first annual update of the document since a major revision was launched on World Asthma Day, May 6, 2014. This comprehensive and practical resource about one of the most common chronic lung diseases worldwide contains extensive citations from the scientific literature and forms the basis for other GINA documents and programs.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

E-Cigs Have 10 times More Cancerogens Than Regular Cigarettes

A recent report from The Guardian reveals some extremely important news for people who are looking to quit smoking. Japanese scientists have recently announced that e-cigarettes contain 10 times the level of cancer-causing carcinogens than its counterpart in the tobacco world. At one time, e-cigarettes were touted as the answer to smoking without the complication of so many dangers.
The electronic nicotine products have increased in popularity with many believing that they are receiving a hit of nicotine without the health damage of a normal cigarette that is laden with chemicals.
However, the research commissioned by the Japanese Ministry of Health found formaldehyde and acetaldehyde carcinogens in the liquid produced by a number of e-cigarette products, a health ministry official stated.

The group also learned that e-cigarettes can fuel potentially life-threatening drug-resistant pathogens. This is based on lab study where they tested e-cigs vapor on live methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and human cells.
The formaldehyde carcinogen was found to be much more present in the e-cigarette liquids than in the chemicals used in regular cigarettes, according to the official.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sarcoidosis: Seek Answers. Inspire Results

#Respiratorydecade supports April Sarcoidosis Awareness Month!!!
The CHEST Foundation of the American College of Chest Physicians and the Foundation for Sarcoidosis Research have teamed up to launch Sarcoidosis: Seek Answers. Inspire Results.a campaign that encourages people living with sarcoidosis to take a proactive role in their treatment plan. 
Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory disease wherein the immune system goes into overdrive, causing cells to group together into clumps called granulomas. While more than 90 percent of cases affect the lungs and lymph nodes, sarcoidosis can affect any organ and interfere with the organ’s function. 
Because each sarcoidosis case is unique, it’s important to ask questions and follow a tailored treatment plan. If you are living with or caring for a loved one with sarcoidosis, we encourage you to download and discuss the following resources with your health-care team.

Monday, April 13, 2015

World Allergy Week 2015

#Respiratorydecade happy to present World Allergy Week 2015!
Join us during World Allergy Week 2015 and increase awareness of Airway Allergies - A Human and Economic Burden.
Today the World Allergy Organization (WAO), together with its 95 national Member Societies, has launched World Allergy Week 2015. Through April 19, a variety of educational activities and media events hosted by professional allergy societies, patient advocacy groups, and other organizations around the world will stress the importance of understanding airway allergies to improve quality of life and reduce the socio-economic burden they cause.
“Allergic rhinitis and asthma are two common airway disorders that are increasing in prevalence worldwide,” said Dr Lanny Rosenwasser, President of the World Allergy Organization. “They often coexist, and treatments can address the symptoms of both disorders; but when uncontrolled they can pose a significant burden to patient, family, and society,” he said.

“We are fortunate to be collaborating with individuals and organizations around the world who have expertise in the diseases associated with airway allergies,” said Prof. Motohiro Ebisawa, Chairperson of World Allergy Week 2015. “Their combined efforts will help raise awareness of the main airway allergies and how to understand their causes, symptoms, and methods of control, as part of a shared goal to reduce the overall global burden of allergic disease".

Internationally known airway allergy experts will address the topic of “Airway Allergies – The Human and Economic Burden” in a symposium-style conference call today at 9:00 a.m. EDT (New York) and another live call on Wednesday 15 April at 2:00 p.m. JST (Tokyo). For anyone interested in airway allergies, the calls will offer attendees the chance to ask questions to these leading experts. Toll-free call-in numbers from a variety of countries, as well as other details about the presentations, are listed at

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Blue Lip Kiss challenge is raising awareness for pulmonary hypertension

Dear Respiratory Friends,
Respiratory Decade is supporting the Blue Lip Kiss challenge, initiated by Cordelia Skuldt!

Cordelia Skuldt has had pulmonary hypertension since she was 4. She is here to challenge you today to take the Blue Lip Kiss challenge to raise awareness and money for this horrible disease.
Here are the steps you can take:

1. Take a photo of yourself with blue lips, and post it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest and Instagram) using the #PHaware and #bluelipkiss. Lipstick is not necessary (you can draw blue lips on your photo or just make them out of blue paper). This is the part when you can get creative.

2. Nominate and challenge others to take this challenge.

3. To learn more about pulmonary hypertension, or to donate money, go to

Please set your social networking post sharing to public so Cordelia can tally the numbers, and don't forget to add the #PHaware and #bluelipkiss hashtags!!