
Tuesday, May 3, 2011


The South American Congress of Allergy and Asthma held in the city of Cordoba, Argentina at 28-30 April 2011, was a resounding scientific and organizational success  attended by many colleagues throughout the region. It was organized by the Southern Cone Chapter of the Latin American Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology and INTERASMA (International Association of Asthmology). Had the invaluable support of the World Allergy Organization, the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, the Latin American Society of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, Argentina Federation of ENT Societies, the Argentine Society of Pediatrics, the Allergy Societies of Southern Europe, and many allergy and immunology societies in Latin America.
The Scientific Program was divided into 3 main tracks: Allergies in adults, Allergies in Pediatrics and Allergy in ENT.
           It started with 3 pre-conference practical courses very useful in practice . One of allergy practice for the office and the emergency room, the second on diagnostic methods in allergy, and the last on flexible and rigid endoscopy of the upper airways.
The Congress held two international workshops, one on immunotherapy, celebrating 100 years of specific immunotherapy with allergens, and another on the initiative of WHO, ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma).
The program addressed the key issues of allergy and respiratory medicine, with particular attention to the incorporation of allergic and respiratory diseases to the group of non-communicable chronic diseases of WHO.

Prof. Sandra N. González Díaz (Mexico)

We have the presence of 42 invited speakers from Europe, USA and Latin America, who, along with other Latin American and Argentine experts collaborated to deliver presentations of a high scientific level.
Participated as representatives of the World Allergy Organization, Drs. Nelson Rosário Filho (Brazil), Mario Sanchez Borges (Venezuela) and Juan C. Ivancevich (Argentina). Through them, it was announced the World Allergy Congress to be held in Cancun, Mexico next December and the promotion of the Allergy White Book of the WAO.
On behalf of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, the President, Dr. Dennis Ledford,  gave interesting lectures.

Prof. G. Walter Canonica (Italy) - Simposio Latinoamericano de Inmunoterapia

The Organizing Committee gave awards to Dres. Mario Sánchez Borges (Venezuela), Dirceu Solé (Brazil), Gustavo Rodriguez (Uruguay), G. Walter Canonica (Italy), Gianni Passalacqua (Italy), Alejandro Tepper (Argentina).

Prof. Gianni Passalacqua (Italy) - Simposio Latinoamericano de Inmunoterapia

We acknowledge the great support of all sponsoring societies, and especially the World Allergy Organization.

Juan Carlos Ivancevich, MD, PhD

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