
Friday, June 17, 2011

First 6 months of Respiratory Decade

As a creator and promoter of Respiratory Decade idea and strategy, today I am proud to write several words about these first 6 months of our activity!
This blog was started on 17 December 2010 as a continuation of beautiful idea of European Respiratory Society - Year of the Lung by Professors Nikos Siafakas and Leonardo Fabbri. We tried to continue promotion of respiratory education and increasing of awareness to the lung diseases.

Alexandru CORLATEANU on ERS 2010 Congress at Barcelona

Now I want to write about our realizations:
  • 36 blog posts,
  • more than 11900 visualizations, 
  • visitors from more than 111 countries,
  • many partners and friends.
Daily we are contacted by many interested persons in our idea - Respiratory Decade, and i am sure that with your help we will realize more!
Thank you very much for appreciation and for everyday help!

In this great summer day we are proud to remind you our key principles! 

Please join us: we are open for any type of collaboration!
Thank you very much for being with us all this time!
We will keep up with our great Respiratory job!!

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