
Sunday, May 6, 2012

Facebook launched new tool for Organ Donors

More than 100 of years ago was performed first successful human transplantation. It was done by Doctor Eduard Zirm (1863-1944), a Viennese born and trained ophthalmologist, which performed bilateral corneal transplants in what was then Olmuetz, Austria-Hungary.
Despite the huge progress of medicine in 20-21 century, unfortunately the problem of organ donors remains unsolved. Mark Zuckerberg announced on morning TV that the facebook was allowing its 900 million users to begin registering online as organ donors. In 24 hours more than 100,000 people declare they were registered donors on Timeline.

“This is going to be an historic day in transplant,” said Dr. Cameron (the surgical director of liver transplantation at Johns Hopkins Hospital), adding that people who die for want of an organ do so mostly because there are not enough organ donors, not because of any shortcomings in medical technology. “The math will radically change, and we may well eliminate the problem.”

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