
Friday, August 3, 2012

Lung Champion Julie Bradshaw: asthma never let stop me from doing what I want to achieve

We are continuing preparation for World Spirometry Day 2012 campaign: 5-km Lung Run, which will take place during the European Respiratory Society Congress in Vienna.
As part of the World Spirometry Day 2012 campaign, various people with lung diseases have been recognised as 'Lung Champions' as a result of their personal achievements in sport and activity.
Today we are happy to present you another Lung Champion!

Julie Bradshaw is a world-record breaking English Channel and Marathon swimmer.
Julie developed asthma as a teenager but managed to play hockey, run two London Marathons in under four hours and a variety of other sports, as well as swimming.
Julie first swam the English Channel solo aged 15 in a British Junior Record and in 2002 conquered it again using the most strenuous swimming stroke, the Butterfly; a feat she completed in 14 hours 18 minutes. This smashed the previous one and only record by over nine hours.

Julie said:
I developed asthma as a teenager, but I’ve never let it stop me from doing what I want to achieve. I just focus on a goal and what I can do well, rather than on the asthma. I learnt to swim at a very young age and swimming has been a great sport for keeping me active despite my condition. I use a ventolin when I need it and I make sure I recognise my body and when it needs less pushing.

More about Lung Champions, World Spirometry Day 2012 and World Spirometry Day 2012 5-km Lung Run you can find HERE.