
Thursday, July 31, 2014

World Lung Cancer Day 2014

Dear Respiratory Friends today is a World Lung Cancer Day 2014!
Please mark your calendar for August 1, 2014, the 3rd annual World Lung Cancer Day!
Join in to Celebrate, Commemorate and Support all those affected by the #1 Cancer Killer.

Lung Cancer, often referred to as the “Invisible Disease”, is generally asymptomatic and often goes undetected or misdiagnosed, while advancing to a late incurable stage. Only 15% of patients diagnosed in the late stages will survive 5 years.
Although early detection screening has been a topic of great concern and study, the guidelines established by the American Cancer Society, continue to leave a large percent of the population ineligible for screening. Anyone can get Lung cancer.
Widely portrayed and publicized as a “Smokers Disease”, over 60% of newly diagnosed patients are never smokers or quit years ago .An increasing amount of young non-smoking women are being diagnosed. Anyone with lungs can get Lung Cancer.
Lung Cancer is the #1 cancer killer in the U.S., claiming 160,000 lives annually. This is nearly 10 times the amount of lives lost to AIDS ( 18,000 annually) . Lung cancer claims more lives than breast, colon, kidney, and melanoma cancers ...combined.
This year, Lung Cancer will kill twice as many women as Breast Cancer.
Lung Cancer receives less research funding (per death) than any other type of cancer.
Radon, asbestos, diesel, poor air quality, environmental pollutants, chemical toxicity, occupational exposures, genetics, - are all known factors that contribute to causing Lung Cancer. Anyone that breathes, can get Lung Cancer.
The first question most Lung Cancer Patients are asked is “Did You Smoke?". The public perception that Lung cancer is a smoker’s disease, the “blame-the-victim” mentality and the overall stigma attached to this disease, far too often denies Lung cancer patients the support and compassion afforded other cancers and major diseases.
Lung cancer patients face the same physical, emotional and financial hardships as any other cancer. They battle the same fears, depression, losses and grueling treatments. Yet those battling receive minimal recognition and support from our society. Lung Cancer is bad-Its victims are not. Like AIDS, Alcoholism, Obesity, Drug abuse and a myriad of diseases that can be “rooted in causes” Lung cancer Patients and Caregivers deserve support, not shame and blame.

World Lung Cancer Day is a day to Celebrate, Commemorate & Support the people affected by Lung Cancer.

Our Voice is being heard around the World, from prominent Cancer Centers to Lung Cancer Organizations & groups...But most especially, in events held to honor the people of lung cancer.
World Lung Cancer Day is recorded in Chase's Worldwide Calendar of Events (The #1 global reference source, used by News & Media for holidays & events) as an annual day of Observance for all those affected by and lost to Lung Cancer worldwide.
WLCD is an initiative driven by the People of Lung Cancer, with no Political or Organizational affiliations or global boundaries.
23+ Official Proclamations declaring August 1,WLCD have been issued in USA States & Cities. Events, vigils, Memorials, community gatherings & celebrations are being held. Social media, newspapers & magazines are promoting WLCD. Worldwide cancer centers, health groups & organizations recognize & celebrate World Lung Cancer Day-August 1.

1 comment:

  1. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website at I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!
