
Sunday, August 17, 2014

Healthy Lungs for Life 2014 campaign VIDEO

Respiratory Decade is an active supporter of Healthy Lungs for Life 2014!! Today we are presenting Healthy Lungs for Life 2014: preview video!
Healthy Lungs for Life is one of the largest ever lung health campaigns, raising awareness of the importance of healthy lungs to healthcare professionals, scientists, primary care, patients, policy makers and the public through a full range of events, projects and promotional activities. In 2014, the theme is "Breathe clean air".

1 comment:

  1. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Life Clinic, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Life Clinic via their website at I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!
