
Friday, November 14, 2014

World Diabet Day 2014: link between Respiratory Disorders and Diabetes

Dear Respiratory Friends today is World Diabet Day 2014!
Diabetes may act as an independent factor negatively affecting lung structure and function. Diabetes can cause muscle and neuronal damage, which is relevant to deficient function of respiratory muscles. Moreover, diabetes is independently associated with lower physical performance, which can be disabling for patients with COPD, who already have some limitation in physical performance. 

DM is able to detrimentally affect alveolar capillary membrane and decrease DLCO, similarly to other microangiopathic complications, such as diabetic nephropathy. Furthermore, DM is associated with the presence of glucose in airway secretions, and this may contribute to the increased risk of pulmonary infections seen in diabetics. MetS can increase the risk of COPD exacerbation, and diabetes is associated with worsened outcomes of COPD flares. On the top of that, coexistent OSA may increase the risk for type 2 DM in some individuals.

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