
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

European COPD Coalition Call to Action - updated 2015

The European COPD Coalition calls for action and support from the EU decision makers to help fight the disease and reduce its financial, social and psychological impact  
Health policy decision- makers must support patients, their families, carers and the entire society impacted by the burden of the disease, by creating a framework programme that will be aimed at eliminating avoidable COPD incidence and premature death.

The European COPD Coalition’s Call to Action  seeks political impetus to put in place the right structure addressing all aspects of COPD. This framework should aim to improve the health and quality of life of European citizens, including persons at risk of, or affected by, COPD. Based on the common European values of universal healthcare, access to good quality care, equity and solidarity, and encouraging innovation, the COPD framework  should encompass health promotion, disease prevention, medical and psychological support, and the social and environmental aspects of the disease.
ECC Call to Action promotes 22 concrete measures to be put in place or supported by the European Union, in full cooperation with Member States, regulating bodies and stakeholders.

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