
Thursday, August 11, 2011

First European Respiratory Society patient symposium 2011

Dear friends,
Yesterday European Respiratory Society and European Lung Foundation announced about organization of the First European Respiratory Society patient symposium on 2011 European Respiratory Society Annual Congress in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.


Save the date: 28 September 2011 09.30 -12.30 

Location: The symposium will take place in the F Rooms, at the Amsterdam RAI conference centre in the Netherlands. 

Program of the symposium: 
How is Europe responding to the needs of patients with respiratory disease?
Michel Goldman, Executive Director Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)

Translating a good idea into a treatment of lung illness, the challenges and joys of developing new medicines
Tim Higenbottam, Director of Corporate Clinical Development, Chiesi

Where science and patients meet: understanding asthma
Pim de Boer, from the U-BIOPRED research project

Listening to patients to improve outcomes of COPD
Thierry Troosters, from the PROactive research project

How does the ERS guide patient care of the future?
Marc Decramer, President of the ERS

The audience will have the opportunity to discuss a number of topics, including:
  • the benefits that can be gained from having patients as active partners in research
  • the challenges that might be faced when involving patients in research and how these can be overcome
  • examples of different levels of patient involvement in research and the outcomes
  • methods that can be employed to better engage the patient 
We are inviting you to this Special Respiratory event! Registration and more information is here!

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