
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

ERS Opening Ceremony in Amsterdam: hottest basic science starts here!

On 24th September ERS opening ceremony was held in RAI. More than 20.000 respiratory specialists are going to attend the conference.

The evening started with the speech of Co-chair of the ERS Congress, Dr. Elizabeth Bell, who welcomed all the participants and wished a fruitful stay in the innovative city.  
Marc Decramer, President of the ERS mentioned the increasing of ERS membership as one of the key moments for the lung health awareness. Dissemination of information, expending the network and improving the knowledge are those classical aims followed throughout the years by ERS. Events 2010, such as World Spirometry Day, Ministerial “Chronic Disease” and European Parliament Event with FERS were mentioned as those crucial. During 5 days pulmonary specialists will have a range of possibilities to follow various events, such as:

-          attend postgraduate high quality courses;
-          discuss e-posters;
-          get access to new educational publications

Prof. Marina Saetta received Presedential Award for competitive spirit, 128 publications and being a remarkable research fellow, while Prof. Dario Olivieri got Educational Award as an expert in interstitial lung diseases. U-BIOPRED Art Contest Winner got to be 16 years old girl from Holland who managed to reflect with her painting how does an asthma patient feel.   
Spirometry Button was passed on to the next President of ERS, Klaus Rabe who will be ERS President and will be busy with World Spirometry Day on 27 June 2012.

It is undoubtful that Amsterdam 2011 Programme impresses by its variety and richness:
·         49 Symposia,
·         7 hot topics,
·         332 free communication sessions,
·         13 practical workshops,
·         25 evening symposia
Science and the city- the perfect match! 
Enjoy it!
Press Representative 

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