
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

2012 International Guidelines on Rhinitis, Asthma and COPD: Italian Update of Global Initiatives ARIA, GINA and GOLD

These days in Modena, Italy (28 February-2 March 2012) is taking place Congress 2012 International Guidelines on Rhinitis, Asthma and COPD Global Initiatives ARIA, GINA and GOLD.

I invite you to see free online and directly all presentations from this important Respiratory event. Speakers are world known leaders of opinion in Respiratory Medicine from Italy and from all over the world.

Today is day dedicated to Asthma and will be many interesting presentations: 

IgE, anti-IgE and remodelling in allergic asthma by Professor Klaus F. Rabe, President of European Respiratory Society;
Novel therapies for asthma and COPD by Professor Leonardo M. Fabbri
Viral infections and asthma by Professor Alberto Papi.

Please watch live translation HERE

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