
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

World No Tobacco Day 2012

Dear friends I am happy to present you our new member from Brazil Doctor Marilia Varella. Today we are publishing post by Marilia:

This is an yearly celebration meant to inform the public worldwide on the dangers of using tobacco. It is an awareness day!
But why is Tobacco? Because, according to World Health Organization, and we pulmonologists all agree with these data, smoking cause more than five million deaths a year – killing an average of one person every six seconds – and accounts for one in 10 adult deaths. Smoking is the single largest avoidable cause of illness and premature death worldwide .
So we must do something. How about to join this cause, to share information about the tobacco-free initiatives in your country and World No Tobacco Day? We all believe in our role in quitting process. Now we need to invite more health professionals to do the same - a brief advice will often lead to action!

I`d like to draw your attention to the fact that, right now in Brazil, the great issue is the prohibition of added sugars and flavorants to cigarettes. This discussion was postponed (due to a strong cigarette business lobby) and was finally discussed on March 13, 2012: flavorants are banned but not (yet) sugar ...


Finally, I want to share some good links I found … browse them and have some good ideas!
Tell your friends and networks about
World No Tobacco Day 2012! 
Let`s work together to ban smoking!

also we can join us on facebook:

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