
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Highlights from European Respiratory Society Congress 2012, Vienna

Next week the biggest respiratory meeting in the world will start! It is European Respiratory Society Congress which this year will take place in Vienna, Austria!

As usual ERS Congress will give possibility to learn about the latest innovations in clinical and basic science, practice and patient care from the leaders of opinion who set the standards in respiratory medicine at the global level.

For the first time will be organized evening dedicated to young scientists. On Tuesday, September 4, an informal networking session has been organised to provide young researchers with an opportunity to meet and discuss with senior members of the ERS.

Also we want to share with you invitation from ERS President Klaus Rabe on special event dedicated to World Spirometry Day 2012: 
I would like to extend a personal invitation to all Congress participants to join me, the ERS leadership and the Mayor of Vienna in a (Fun) Lung Run on Sunday, September 2 at 07:00, at the Prater. Do come and share 5 kilometers of lung-boosting exercise, running or walking for an extraordinary cause!

Respiratory Decade Official Media-Representative at ERS 2012 Vienna Congress 

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