
Saturday, April 6, 2013

April 2013 Sarcoidosis Awareness Month

Dear Respiratory friends, April is Sarcoidosis Awareness Month!!!
Sarcoidosis is a disease that affects many of people in chronic and debilitating ways and is a potentially fatal inflammatory disease that can appear in almost any organ in the body and can strike people of all races and of all ages. 

While some progress has been made in understanding the symptoms and better diagnosing the disease, the cause remains undetermined and very little is known about the true burden of this illness.
April 2013 would be appropriate to designate as Sarcoidosis Awareness Month with worldwide events to increase public awareness of the need to support individuals with sarcoidosis; to raise awareness of the need for more research funding; and to educate medical professionals who are for individuals with sarcoidosis.
Through increased research, quantifying prevalence, discovering the cause, improving treatment and finding a cure for sarcoidosis may be well within reach.
Now, therefore, in resolution, Respiratory Decade, does hereby proclaim April, 2013 as Sarcoidosis Awareness Month in the world.
On this occasion, we recognize the efforts of  the FSR International Coalition to Stop Sarcoidosis to raise awareness of the disease and to support research efforts of concerned physicians and scientists at the global level. We also salute the victims of sarcoidosis who demonstrate great courage and determination in their efforts to cope with the disease; and we pay tribute to their family members and to other concerned people who are engaged in grass roots efforts to promote awareness of sarcoidosis, as well as improved treatment and support for its victims.

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