
Sunday, April 27, 2014

You Can Control Your Asthma on World Asthma Day 2014

World Asthma Day is organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) in collaboration with health care groups and asthma educators to raise awareness about asthma and improve asthma care throughout the world
Each year GINA chooses a theme and organizes preparation and distribution of World Asthma Day materials and resources. World Asthma Day activities are organized in each country by health care professionals, educators, and members of the public who want to help reduce the burden of asthma.
The first World Asthma Day, in 1998, was celebrated in more than 35 countries in conjunction with the first World Asthma Meeting held in Barcelona, Spain. Participation has increased with each World Asthma Day held since then, and the day has become one of the world's most important asthma awareness and education events.
World Asthma Day 2014 will take place on Tuesday, May 6, 2014. The theme will be "You Can Control Your Asthma," continuing the emphasis on asthma control highlighted in past WAD events. The sub-theme, "It's Time to Control Asthma" will also be continued this year, with activity organizers encouraged to adapt the "It's Time to..." statement in ways relevant to their individual events. On World Asthma Day 2014 GINA will release a new, extensively revised version of the Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention

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