
Monday, July 28, 2014

World Hepatitis Day 2014: Respiratory manifestations of hepatitis

World Hepatitis Day is an annual event on the 28th July that provides international focus for patient groups and people living with viral hepatitis. It is an opportunity to raise awareness and influence real change in disease prevention and access to testing and treatment.
Every year World Hepatitis Day gets bigger and bigger, with more countries and organisations taking part. Since its launch in 2008, thousands of events have taken place, from rock concerts and press briefings to ministerial meetings and fundraising events. In 2012 the World Hepatitis Alliance organised a Guinness World Record attempt for the most people performing the ‘see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’ actions within 24 hours.

World Hepatitis Day is recognised every year on the 28th July. This date was chosen to mark the birthday of Professor Baruch Blumberg, awarded the Nobel Prize for his work in discovering the hepatitis B virus. He said: ‘It's good to know that my birthday will be remembered in this unusual and unexpected way.  We never thought this would happen when we were studying a strange protein from Australia.’

There are many links between hepatitis and different Respiratory conditions. Over the last decade, an increasing number of reports have suggested that chronic HCV infection is also associated with both direct and indirect effects on pulmonary tissue. While not all of these effects have been tightly linked to HCV infection, there are now sufficient studies available that warrant a review of the major pulmonary sequelae associated with chronic HCV infection
For more details, read excellent review: Moorman J, Saad M, Kosseifi S, Krishnaswamy G. Hepatitis c virus and the lung*: implications for therapy. Chest. 2005;128(4):2882-2892

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