
Thursday, August 18, 2016

@respiratorydec believe Respiratory Research deserve a broader audience!!!! Join #mobilizeresearch by Kudos

Respiratory decade believe Respiratory Research deserve a broader audience!!!! Join #mobilizeresearch campaign by Kudos!
Kudos is a web-based service that helps researchers and their institutions and funders to maximize the visibility and impact of their published articles. Kudos provides a platform for assembling and creating information to help search filtering, for sharing information to drive discovery, and for measuring and monitoring the effect of these activities. 
Research can only reach its full potential if it is found, understood and applied – by those within the field, by researchers in other disciplines, by practitioners outside academia, even by the “curious public”. Taking a little time to increase the visibility of work is rising up the priority list for many researchers.
At Kudos, we’ve spent the last two years helping researchers explain and share their work to broaden its audience. A recent study has shown that usage of our tools is correlated to 23% higher usage of the publications being explained and shared.
Now, we’re putting our money where our mouth is and launching the “mobilization pledge” for researchers who share our belief that research deserves a broader audience. We’ll donate one penny to Open Knowledge International for everyone who signs up to the pledge by tweeting their commitment (#mobilizeresearch) or by disseminating their work via Kudos.
The campaign will run from now until the end of the year – but don’t wait! The sooner you join the campaign, the sooner you can help the word spread far and wide and ensure that we will be digging deep at the end of the year!
Sign up to “mobilize research” now – by doing one or both of the following:


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