Happy RESPIRATORY New Year 2012!!!
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas and Happy New 2012 Year!!!
We wish you a wonderful Christmas and Holidays time and Happy New Year!!! We would like to extend our gratitude to all our fans and supporters for your continuing support and help in 2011!
We are sure that 2012 will be successful year for the Respiratory Decade all over the world!
We are sure that 2012 will be successful year for the Respiratory Decade all over the world!
Respiratory Decade Team
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Happy Birthday Respiratory Decade!!!
17 December 2011 is one year of Respiratory Decade!!!
We want to thank all our Respiratory supporters and friends!
What we realized in this our first year?
We made visible our initiative all over the world: we are having more than 3000 of vizualisations per month from more than 130 countries!
Alexandru CORLATEANU contributed to the GOLD 2011 guidelines and launched great international study - BOLD (Burden of Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases) in Moldova.
We organized promotion of many respiratory diseases via Special Days: World Asthma Day, World COPD Day, etc.
We launched Respublic and Lunguage!
But we are ready for new Respiratory results and victories!
Breathe with us!!!
Friday, December 9, 2011
World Spirometry Day 2012: Join the race for healthy lungs!
We are happy to present World Spirometry Day 2012!!!
Respiratory Decade will participate actively in promotion and organization of this Global event!
World Spirometry Day is a very important Day for all persons with respiratory conditions and for doctors! Its one more chance to make visible all Respiratory Non-Communicable Diseases!
World Spirometry Day (WSD) will take place again on 27 June, 2012 - the Olympic year.
The campaign will focus on sport and the lungs, and resources will be provided for all those organising testing events related to the Olympic theme. Testing will not be limited to this day alone and participants are encouraged to capitalise on the Olympics and hold events on the run up to the games on July 27 and beyond.
Lung champions is a campaign which is promoted by European Lung Foundation. You can nominate Lung Champions who can help raise awareness of the importance of activity and sport for lung health.
Lung Champions can be young athletes with cystic fibrosis, a COPD patient taking part in a pulmonary rehabilitation programme or an Olympian with asthma.
We want to remind you about success of First World Spirometry Day 2010! It was inspired by Professor Nikos SIAFAKAS President of European Respiratory Society:
“Increased awareness about lung health is vital, and by taking a simple and painless test that only takes a few minutes to perform, everybody can find out about the state of his lungs” .
Friday, December 2, 2011
Patients for patients: Your role in RESPIRATORY healthcare
Dear Respiratory Friends,
Today we are presenting new exiting RESPIRATORY Competition by Lovexair Foundation from Spain!!!
Its great opportunity for respiratory patients and doctors to enhance the role and impact of new ways and methods of education that will help to chronic respiratory patients from all over the world to be more active and healthy!
Its great opportunity for respiratory patients and doctors to enhance the role and impact of new ways and methods of education that will help to chronic respiratory patients from all over the world to be more active and healthy!
The prize: 500 Euros for the winning entry in this competition
How can you win?
Build an educational module for patients with chronic respiratory disease.
“Patients for patients: Your role in respiratory healthcare” competition helps to share valuable ideas, knowledge and experience mainly from patients with chronic respiratory disease and healthcare specialists in order to create an advanced educational concept that can be used at global level, at low cost.
If you want to participate in this creative and educational programme that builds a permanent support system for patients using their feedback and win 500 Euros for your group or for your organisation:
Create your own educational module that includes content and methods on how best to teach patients or care-givers about managing their illness, their daily-life, or anything that improves their quality of life.
For further information, click here: in English or in Spanish
How can you win?
Build an educational module for patients with chronic respiratory disease.
“Patients for patients: Your role in respiratory healthcare” competition helps to share valuable ideas, knowledge and experience mainly from patients with chronic respiratory disease and healthcare specialists in order to create an advanced educational concept that can be used at global level, at low cost.
If you want to participate in this creative and educational programme that builds a permanent support system for patients using their feedback and win 500 Euros for your group or for your organisation:
Create your own educational module that includes content and methods on how best to teach patients or care-givers about managing their illness, their daily-life, or anything that improves their quality of life.
For further information, click here: in English or in Spanish
Good Respiratory Luck to everybody!!!
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Master of Interventional Pneumology, Firenze, Italy, 2012
Dear Respiratory Doctors,
We are happy to invite you in 2012 at Firenze, Italy for Master Studies in Interventional Pneumology, which is organized by great friend of Respiratory Decade Professor Lorenzo CORBETTA.
Please find links with program of Master Studies!
Please find links with program of Master Studies!
Prof. L. Corbetta
Professore Associato Università degli Studi di Firenze
Professore Associato Università degli Studi di Firenze
SOD di Broncologia diagnostico-interventistica
Careggi - Firenze

Dalla Broncologia alla Pneumologia
In questi giorni si sta concludendo
presso l’Università degli Studi di Firenze la seconda edizione del Master di
II livello in Pneumologia Interventistica che ha visto la partecipazione di
15 Specialisti provenienti da tutto il territorio Nazionale. Mentre i partecipanti stanno concludendo i
loro periodi di stage presso 10 diversi centri nazionali di Pneumologia
Interventistica (Firenze, Roma, Bologna, Ancona, Mestre, Pietra Ligure, Forlì,
Ravenna, Rimini, Pisa) e si preparano ad affrontare l’esame finale, dal 29
novembre 2011 verranno aperte le iscrizioni alla terza
edizione del Master.
Il Master che avrà inizio il 30 gennaio 2012 e terminerà in dicembre
prevede 10 Moduli di 2/3 giornate il lunedi’ e il martedi’ e/o mercoledì a cui
seguirà un periodo di 2/3 settimane di
stage e ha l’obiettivo principale di fornire un valido aggiornamento nel
settore della broncoscopia diagnostica e operativa, della toracoscopia e della
gestione delle vie aeree artificiali e si avvale di metodologie didattiche
tradizionali di tipo frontale o seminariale e di metodologie innovative che
prevedono l’uso di manichini, simulatori, collegamenti in “real time” con le
sale endoscopiche, sessioni di e-learning e videoconferenze. Tutto il materiale
didattico verrà reso disponibile in tempo reale anche sotto forma di webseminar
nel sito del master http://master.pneumologia-interventistica.it. dove è
possibile anche trovare le informazioni relative al bando 2012.
affidato a docenti dell’ateneo fiorentino e dei principali centri italiani di
Pneumologia Interventistica, è diretto principalmente a medici Specialisti
in Malattie dell’Apparato Respiratorio e ad altri Specialisti che hanno
interesse ad acquisire professionalità in questo settore. Il termine ultimo per
la presentazione della domanda di iscrizione è previsto per il 20 Dicembre 2011.
Sulla base
dell’esperienza acquisita abbiamo ritenuto utile suddividere il programma del
II Master in 2 parti: la prima sarà dedicata all’insegnamento teorico-pratico
delle procedure endoscopiche mentre la seconda parte sarà dedicata all’analisi
dei processi e dei percorsi diagnostico-terapeutici che prevedono l’esecuzione
delle procedure endoscopiche, fornendo le soluzioni più appropriate ai problemi
che vengono posti al Pneumologo interventista anche con il contributo di altre
specialità come Chirurgia Toracica, ORL, Radiologia, Anestesia e
Rianimazione e Oncologia. Su richiesta dei partecipanti delle precedenti
edizioni è stato incrementato nell'ultima edizione la parte riservata alle
esercitazioni pratiche grazie alla disponibilità della ditta Storz che ha
fornito manichini e broncoscopi flessibili e rigidi e che dalla prossima
edizione fornirà anche il materiale per la simulazione della toracoscopia.
Friday, November 25, 2011
World COPD Day 2011 in Moldova
Dear RESPIRATORY friends,
We discussed about
World COPD Day 2011 for many times, but now we want to tell you what we realized at the local level!
In November 2011 we organized more than 25 conferences (in the capital of Moldova - Chisinau and all big cities) dedicated to World COPD Day 2011 for family doctors and specialists in respiratory medicine, with presentation about Update of GOLD 2011 by Doctor Alexandru CORLATEANU, GOLD National Leader and ERS National Delegate for Moldova and Doctor Moscovciuc Ana about Local COPD guidelines.
Also this year we tried to continue our media campaign in social media and blogs! We want to thank you for your support!!!
"Are you short of breath? You may have COPD! Ask your doctor about a simple breathing test called spirometry."
In Republic of Moldova
World COPD Day 2011 was celebrated for the first time! For us it is great result and we will continue to work hard for increasing of awareness to chronic respiratory diseases in the world!
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Are you short of breath? You may have COPD!
World COPD Day is an annual event organized by the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD) to improve awareness and care of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) around the world. World COPD Day 2011 will take place on November 16 around the theme:
"Are you short of breath? You may have COPD! Ask your doctor about a simple breathing test called spirometry."
World COPD Day is a very important event which will take place around the world. Respiratory Societies, NGOs, doctors, patients are uniting all their efforts to demonstrate impact of COPD on every person in the world and together stop the progressive increasing of this important disease.
World COPD Day will be celebrated in many countries:
Saturday, October 29, 2011
World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Day: 16 November 2011
World COPD Day is a global effort to expand understanding of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - COPD and advocate for better care for patients. In 2004, 64 million people had the illness and WHO predicts that COPD will become the third leading cause of death worldwide by 2030.
Organized by the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), the Day is marked by activities implemented by health care professionals and patient groups throughout the world.
Respiratory Decade active participate every year in organization and promotion of
World COPD Day!
If you are blogger we invite you to share your posts about COPD and World COPD Day in your country!!! Upload it HERE!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Moderate Alcohol Consumption: A Protective Effect Against Asthma Development
by Liudmila Corlateanu
During the European Respiratory Society Annual Congress Sophie Lieberoth from Copenhagen University presented a curious study about the connection between asthma treatment and alcohol intake.
There is a vast range of studies concerning the hazards and benefits of alcohol. Some studies proved that frequent alcohol consumption (1-2 times/day) increases the chances of good health in old age by 30%. The authors of another work have found that consumption of one glass of wine a day helps you lose weight.
Danish researches established that drinking alcohol in moderate quantities can reduce the risk of developing asthma. In this way, drinking 1-6 units of alcohol a week could reduce the risk of developing the condition. But what is considered to be a unit of alcohol? A half pint (284 ml) of beer that has a strength of 3.5% abv contains almost exactly one unit or a medium glass (175 ml) of 12% abv wine contains around two units of alcohol.
The research examined 19,349 twins between the ages of 12 and 41 years of age. All participants have completed a questionnaire at the start and end of the study to compare alcohol intake with the risk of developing asthma over 8 years. The results showed that the lowest risk of asthma was seen in the group which had a moderate intake of alcohol, as less than 4% of those who drank 1-6 units per week developed asthma.
Another important point of the study was that a preference for beer drinking was associated with an increased risk of asthma when compared with no preference.
It was concluded that higher incidence of asthma development occurs in the never drinking and rarely drinking group.
The relationship between alcohol intake and the risk of developing adult-onset asthma could be U-shaped, but still there is a need of further investigation. What needs no basis or explanation is the old French Proverb which states: “Eat with pleasure; drink with measure.”
Friday, October 21, 2011
Seminars of Interventional Pneumology, 28 October 2011, Firenze, Italy
We are happy to invite you at Firenze, Italy at International Conference: Seminars of Interventional Pneumology, which will take place at 28 October 2011, organized by great friend of Respiratory Decade Professor Lorenzo CORBETTA.
Prof. Corbetta is an opinion leader in Italy in interventional bronchoscopy for many years. Much of his career has been devoted to the implementation of bronchoscopic laser resection and stenting and novel endoscopic technologies and also to the development of new teaching methods. He was elected President of the Interventional Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery Working Group of the Italian Society of Respiratory Medicine in 2006 and currently holds this position.
Prof. Corbetta is an opinion leader in Italy in interventional bronchoscopy for many years. Much of his career has been devoted to the implementation of bronchoscopic laser resection and stenting and novel endoscopic technologies and also to the development of new teaching methods. He was elected President of the Interventional Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery Working Group of the Italian Society of Respiratory Medicine in 2006 and currently holds this position.
You can contact for registration organizators of this important Respiratory Event:
NEWTOURS S.p.A. - Via Augusto Righi, 8 – 50019 Sesto F.no (FI)
Tel.: 055 3361.1 / Fax: 055 3033.895
E-mail: pneumologiainterventistica@newtours.it
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
ERS Opening Ceremony in Amsterdam: hottest basic science starts here!
On 24th September ERS opening ceremony was held in RAI. More than 20.000 respiratory specialists are going to attend the conference.
The evening started with the speech of Co-chair of the ERS Congress, Dr. Elizabeth Bell, who welcomed all the participants and wished a fruitful stay in the innovative city.
Marc Decramer, President of the ERS mentioned the increasing of ERS membership as one of the key moments for the lung health awareness. Dissemination of information, expending the network and improving the knowledge are those classical aims followed throughout the years by ERS. Events 2010, such as World Spirometry Day, Ministerial “Chronic Disease” and European Parliament Event with FERS were mentioned as those crucial. During 5 days pulmonary specialists will have a range of possibilities to follow various events, such as:
- attend postgraduate high quality courses;
- discuss e-posters;
- get access to new educational publications
Prof. Marina Saetta received Presedential Award for competitive spirit, 128 publications and being a remarkable research fellow, while Prof. Dario Olivieri got Educational Award as an expert in interstitial lung diseases. U-BIOPRED Art Contest Winner got to be 16 years old girl from Holland who managed to reflect with her painting how does an asthma patient feel.
Spirometry Button was passed on to the next President of ERS, Klaus Rabe who will be ERS President and will be busy with World Spirometry Day on 27 June 2012.
It is undoubtful that Amsterdam 2011 Programme impresses by its variety and richness:
· 49 Symposia,
· 7 hot topics,
· 332 free communication sessions,
· 13 practical workshops,
Thursday, September 8, 2011
European Respiratory Society Fellows’ Get-Together at Amsterdam Congress
The popular ERS Fellows' Get-Together session will take place for the fourth consecutive year at this year's ERS Annual Congress in Amsterdam on Saturday, 24 September in Room 3.2 (13:00-16:30).
The session format will be a series of interactive poster board presentations and talks, followed by a panel discussion.
It will be an opportunity for ERS/Marie Curie Fellows to share their experiences with candidates interested in applying for an ERS Fellowship, and will provide a valuable platform for young Congress delegates to network with experienced ERS Officers.
It will be an opportunity for ERS/Marie Curie Fellows to share their experiences with candidates interested in applying for an ERS Fellowship, and will provide a valuable platform for young Congress delegates to network with experienced ERS Officers.
The session will target, in particular:
ERS Fellowship recipients and candidates
Fellows' Host and Home Supervisors
Members of the ERS Evaluation Committee
Young investigators and scientists
Lung Science Conference mentors and mentees
Non-members and members under the age of 35
ERS Officers and Assembly Heads
This year's session has a specific focus on the Society's EU FP7 co-funded Marie Curie Fellowship Programme, RESPIRE, which has been a successful collaboration, with an application for further funding in February 2012 currently being considered.
The session will be chaired by Prof. Robert Bals (Research Director) and Prof. Laurent Nicod (Scientific Committee Chair), and moderated by Prof. Oliver Eickelberg (Conferences and Seminars Director). Poster discussions will be co-chaired by former Scientific Committee Chair Prof. Benoit Nemery, who highly contributed to launch the RESPIRE project in 2007-2008.
Nine Fellows will present their scientific research output and experiences from the ERS/Marie Curie Fellowship Programme: Laura Chimenti (Italy), Jeong-Hee Choi (South Korea), Prajakta Dandekar (India), Frances de Man (France), Arnaud Goolaerts (Belgium), Maha Zohra Ladjemi (France), Frederic Lador (Switzerland), Laura Nunez-Naveira (Spain), Rodolfo De Paula Vieira (Brazil).
Prof. Johan C. De Jongste (The Netherlands) and Prof. Marc Humbert (France) will provide commentary from their perspective as ERS Home Supervisor and ERS Host Supervisor to Marie Curie Fellows. In addition, Dr. Alan Craig from the European Commission's Research Executive Agency will outline the overall aims of the EU Marie Curie Programme, highlighting its potential to help researchers, regardless of nationality, to move within or outside Europe for training.
ERS Secretary General Dr. Mina Gaga will focus on the initiation of an ERS Junior Members Committee, to engage younger ERS members and help to shape the future of the Society. The afternoon event will be rounded off with a panel session discussion and concluding remarks on the ERS Funding Programmes and the Junior Members Committee.
Join the ERS Fellows' Get-Together session
Members of the ERS Evaluation Committee
Young investigators and scientists
Lung Science Conference mentors and mentees
Non-members and members under the age of 35
ERS Officers and Assembly Heads
This year's session has a specific focus on the Society's EU FP7 co-funded Marie Curie Fellowship Programme, RESPIRE, which has been a successful collaboration, with an application for further funding in February 2012 currently being considered.
The session will be chaired by Prof. Robert Bals (Research Director) and Prof. Laurent Nicod (Scientific Committee Chair), and moderated by Prof. Oliver Eickelberg (Conferences and Seminars Director). Poster discussions will be co-chaired by former Scientific Committee Chair Prof. Benoit Nemery, who highly contributed to launch the RESPIRE project in 2007-2008.
Nine Fellows will present their scientific research output and experiences from the ERS/Marie Curie Fellowship Programme: Laura Chimenti (Italy), Jeong-Hee Choi (South Korea), Prajakta Dandekar (India), Frances de Man (France), Arnaud Goolaerts (Belgium), Maha Zohra Ladjemi (France), Frederic Lador (Switzerland), Laura Nunez-Naveira (Spain), Rodolfo De Paula Vieira (Brazil).
Prof. Johan C. De Jongste (The Netherlands) and Prof. Marc Humbert (France) will provide commentary from their perspective as ERS Home Supervisor and ERS Host Supervisor to Marie Curie Fellows. In addition, Dr. Alan Craig from the European Commission's Research Executive Agency will outline the overall aims of the EU Marie Curie Programme, highlighting its potential to help researchers, regardless of nationality, to move within or outside Europe for training.
ERS Secretary General Dr. Mina Gaga will focus on the initiation of an ERS Junior Members Committee, to engage younger ERS members and help to shape the future of the Society. The afternoon event will be rounded off with a panel session discussion and concluding remarks on the ERS Funding Programmes and the Junior Members Committee.
Join the ERS Fellows' Get-Together session
Friday, August 26, 2011
Preliminary results of the COPD Audit will be launched following sessions during the ERS Annual Congress (24-28 September 2011 - Amsterdam):
Sunday 25 Sept. 10:45-12:45 - Room Emerald:
Sunday 25 Sept. 10:45-12:45 - Room Emerald:
Diagnosis of COPD exacerbations on hospital admission
Sunday 25 Sept. 13:00-14:30 - Room 4.1:
Sunday 25 Sept. 13:00-14:30 - Room 4.1:
Optimizing healthcare for COPD across Europe
Wednesday 28 Sept. 10:45-12:45 - Room Forum:
Wednesday 28 Sept. 10:45-12:45 - Room Forum:
Provision of non-pharmacological treatment options for COPD patients in 13 European countries
Moreover you can discuss COPD care and auditing face-to-face with the COPD Audit Steering Board during the 'Meet the Experts' session, Monday 26 Sept. 13:00-14:00 - ERS stand A.01
For more information and pre-ordering the official COPD Audit report, please visit the ERS stand A.01
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
UNite in the Fight Against Non-Communicable Diseases
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) is an international public health agency with more than 100 years of experience in working to improve health and living standards of the countries of the Americas. The Pan American Health Organization is participating in preparation of the United Nations High-Level Meeting on Non-Communicable Diseases on Sept. 19-20, 2011.
Very inspirational motto of this campaign:
Exclusive interview with Dr. Jon Andrus, Deputy Director of the Pan American Health Organization, with regards to the high-level UN-NCD meeting that shall take place this fall in New York City.
Very inspirational motto of this campaign:
UNite in the Fight Against NCDs
Exclusive interview with Dr. Jon Andrus, Deputy Director of the Pan American Health Organization, with regards to the high-level UN-NCD meeting that shall take place this fall in New York City.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
First European Respiratory Society patient symposium 2011
Dear friends,
Yesterday European Respiratory Society and European Lung Foundation announced about organization of the First European Respiratory Society patient symposium on 2011 European Respiratory Society Annual Congress in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Save the date: 28 September 2011 09.30 -12.30
Location: The symposium will take place in the F Rooms, at the Amsterdam RAI conference centre in the Netherlands.
Program of the symposium:
How is Europe responding to the needs of patients with respiratory disease?
Michel Goldman, Executive Director Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)
Michel Goldman, Executive Director Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)
Translating a good idea into a treatment of lung illness, the challenges and joys of developing new medicines
Tim Higenbottam, Director of Corporate Clinical Development, Chiesi
Where science and patients meet: understanding asthma
Pim de Boer, from the U-BIOPRED research project
Listening to patients to improve outcomes of COPD
Thierry Troosters, from the PROactive research project
How does the ERS guide patient care of the future?
Marc Decramer, President of the ERS
The audience will have the opportunity to discuss a number of topics, including:
- the benefits that can be gained from having patients as active partners in research
- the challenges that might be faced when involving patients in research and how these can be overcome
- examples of different levels of patient involvement in research and the outcomes
- methods that can be employed to better engage the patient
We are inviting you to this Special Respiratory event! Registration and more information is here!
Friday, August 5, 2011
- with online tools which can facilitate conversations about Respiratory diseases;
- with connections between Respiratory friends, peers and influencers;
- with international collaborations;
- with a call for humanizing personas and audiences, and the stories that link them together;
- with compassion;
- with words, pictures, video, chatter, audio, and also experiences, observations, opinions, news, and insights.
Breath with us on:
It is a pleasure for our team to have you here signed up for our action on Respiratory Diseases!
The first thing that comes to your mind when you google ;)
by Mila Corlateanu
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
2011 UPDATE of Guidelines on Diagnosis and Management of Stable COPD
Dear Respiratory Friends,
Yesterday in Annals of Internal Medicine was published update of A Clinical Practice Guideline on Diagnosis and Management of Stable Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).
This guideline is an official statement of the American College of Physicians (ACP), American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP), American Thoracic Society (ATS), and European Respiratory Society (ERS). It represents an update of the 2007 ACP clinical practice guideline on diagnosis and management of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and is intended for clinicians who manage patients with COPD. This guideline addresses the value of history and physical examination for predicting airflow obstruction; the value of spirometry for screening or diagnosis of COPD; and COPD management strategies, specifically evaluation of various inhaled therapies (anticholinergics, long-acting β-agonists, and corticosteroids), pulmonary rehabilitation programs, and supplemental oxygen therapy.
You can access free of charge this Guidelines:
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