Thursday, May 31, 2012

Today is World NO Tobacco Day 2012!!!

Tobacco is public health enemy number one. It kills six million people every year. The tobacco industry does everything it can to undermine anti-tobacco work. World Health Organization has chosen "Stop tobacco industry interference" as the theme for the 2012 World No Tobacco Day - on 31 May. Discover the subversive methods of the tobacco industry by watching the campaign video.

In Republic of Moldova we shared anti-smoking posters in many local places. Also we will organize massive distribution of questionnaires about smoking among young people!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Real Tobacco Stories before World No Tobacco Day 2012

Everybody knows that 31 May 2012 is World No Tobacco Day!! We want to share with you short films about real people telling their tobacco stories. The stories range from inspirational to heart wrenching and portray the real day to day consequences of tobacco use.
Special thanks to Binta Jalloh!

Marcy, Charles and Sharon share their experiences with COPD and the effects it can have on someone. All three have smoked, but since quit.
Leo's father passed away due to tobacco-related cancer. He smoked for four years himself until this happened, and then he quit.

Capital Metro Transit Authority in Austin, Texas encourages it's employees to live tobacco-free.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

3rd Interventional Bronchology and Pulmonology Conference

Dear friends we are happy to invite you on special Respiratory event - 3rd Interventional Bronchology and Pulmonology Conference, which will take place on 8-9 June 2012 at Florence, organized by our friend from Italy, Professor Lorenzo Corbetta!
In recent years Thoracic Endoscopy has made great progress thanks to the availability of new and more accurate tools for the inspection of the bronchial tree as well as the development of many new interventional procedures for the diagnosis and treatment of bronchial and pulmonary lesions. For this reason the term Interventional Pulmonology has been adopted at an international level both to define its strategic role in modern pulmonology for the diagnosis and treatment of neoplastic, interstitial and infective pulmonary diseases and because of the interventional nature of procedures like bronchial and transbronchial biopsies, transbronchial needle aspiration (TBNA), laser removal of tracheobronchial obstructions and the implantation of bronchial stents. The conference will be dedicated to the discussion of the diagnostic and therapeutic processes which require interventional endoscopic procedures in order to provide the best possible and most up to date solutions to the problems pneumologists come up against.

Part of the Conference will focus mainly on a practical demonstration of the procedures through prerecorded broadcasts from endoscopy operating theatres. Particular attention will also be paid to educational efficacy and to the practical application of didactic teachings in order to allow active participation The event is linked with the Master on Interventional pulmonology and it's aimed both at professionals with great expertise and at those who are training as well as nurses who are particularly interested in interventional pulmonology. We hope to see you in Florence and that you will find the Conference of interest.

Organizing Secretariat:
NeT Congress & Education spa - Alessandro Rosso Group
Via A. Righi, 8 - 50019 Sesto Fiorentino (FI) - Italy
Phone: +39 055 33611 - Fax: +39 055 3033895

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Launch of World Spirometry Day 2012 in Moldova

On 18 May 2012 we organized conference dedicated to World Spirometry Day 2012 in Moldova.
It was official launch of
World Spirometry Day 2012 in Moldova with workshop on spirometry for prepare team for World Spirometry Day 2012 on 27 June 2012.
The 2012 campaign coincides with the Olympic Games and aims to encourage people to exercise and look after their lungs regardless of their age or physical ability. We discussed our plans and details of organization of   World Spirometry Day 2012 in Moldova. 
Furthermore I made a presentation of European Respiratory Society with new membership structure; especially we paid attention to the Silver membership which is absolutely free of charge for persons under 35 years. Such kind of membership can be of great interest for Moldavian students and young doctors, as they can have access to various materials and useful sources.
Also I presented new guidelines in COPD. It is beyond all doubt that the conference had an impact on the audience; it encouraged the active participation in such kind of events and appealed to the main aim - to promote public awareness and to draw particular attention to the respiratory diseases detection and treatment.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

ACCP 2012 event: Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Home Mechanical Ventilation. State of Science and Practice

Dear friends I am just back from the Conference with International Participation entitled: “Pulmonary Rehabilitation and  Home Mechanical Ventilation. State of Science and Practice”, and the Satellite event: “Sleep Medicine Course, Modern Treatments Applied in Sleep Apnea Syndrome” endorsed by the American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) which took place in Iasi, between 10 th – 12 th of May 2012.

It was great scientific event, quality of presentations was very high which was determined by international and national faculty! In event participated leaders from  American College of Chest Physicians: Professor Suhail Raoof, MD, FCCP, MACP, FCCM, President of ACCP, USA; Professor. David Gutterman, MD, FCCP, ACCP Immediate Past President, USA; Professor Darcy Marciniuk, MD, FCCP, ACCP President Elect, Canada; Florin Mihălțan, MD, PhD, FCCP, President of Romanian Society of Pneumology.
Also were organized very useful Hands-on workshops on Pulmonary Rehabilitation, Sleep medicine and Orotracheal Intubation.
I want to congratulate all organizers and participants with successful event!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Facebook launched new tool for Organ Donors

More than 100 of years ago was performed first successful human transplantation. It was done by Doctor Eduard Zirm (1863-1944), a Viennese born and trained ophthalmologist, which performed bilateral corneal transplants in what was then Olmuetz, Austria-Hungary.
Despite the huge progress of medicine in 20-21 century, unfortunately the problem of organ donors remains unsolved. Mark Zuckerberg announced on morning TV that the facebook was allowing its 900 million users to begin registering online as organ donors. In 24 hours more than 100,000 people declare they were registered donors on Timeline.

“This is going to be an historic day in transplant,” said Dr. Cameron (the surgical director of liver transplantation at Johns Hopkins Hospital), adding that people who die for want of an organ do so mostly because there are not enough organ donors, not because of any shortcomings in medical technology. “The math will radically change, and we may well eliminate the problem.”

Saturday, May 5, 2012

World Pulmonary Hypertension Day

Today for the first time we will celebrate World Pulmonary Hypertension Day!
Pulmonary hypertension is characterized by elevated pulmonary arterial pressure and secondary right ventricular failure. It is a life-threatening condition with a poor prognosis if untreated. The symptoms of PAH are nonspecific and include breathlessness, fatigue, weakness, angina, syncope and abdominal distension.
The Spanish National Pulmonary Hypertension Association proposed May 5 as World Pulmonary Hypertension Day to increase international awareness of the disease. On May 4 and 5, the ANHP will organize scientific symposia on pharmacological treatments, PH registers, and multidisciplinary support for patients.  

The ANHP aims to use the day to “disseminate knowledge of the disease to facilitate early diagnosis, promote access to specific healthcare and treatments that increase quality of life and life expectancy, promote the concept of treating PH patients as a whole— which includes treating their physical, psychological, and social issues—unify international criteria for the recognition of Centers of Excellence in PH, and promote research that will help find a cure for PH.” 
These days I am participating at International Conference which is dedicated to World Pulmonary Hypertension Day with launch of Romanian National Program for the diagnosis and treatment of Pulmonary Hypertension at Iasi, Romania. 

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Today is World Asthma Day 2012!

Asthma is a serious global health problem. People of all ages in countries throughout the world are affected by this chronic airway disorder that, when uncontrolled, can place severe limits on daily life and is sometimes fatal. The prevalence of asthma is increasing in most countries, especially among children. Asthma is a significant burden, not only in terms of health care costs but also of lost productivity and reduced participation in family life.

GINA's (Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention) presents a comprehensive plan to manage asthma with the goal of reducing chronic disability and premature deaths while allowing patients with asthma to lead productive and fulfilling lives. 
GINA is a global guidelines which unites all our actual knowledge about treatment of this chronic disorder. It is updated every year, we are presenting you the last update which was published in December 2011.