
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Happy New Year from Respiratory Decade!!

We wish you Happy New Year! 2012 was very important year for us: many things were realized, many plans were done, many new people joined our initiative! But now is time to make plans for the future for 2013!  
What we are planning: a lot of new materials and reports from international congresses, organizing of Respiratory days of Respiratory diseases and continuing promotion of Respiratory conditions at the Global level! We are open for new proposals from your! 

Thank you for your help,
without you our initiative is impossible!
and now we are inviting you to taste Happy New Year Cake:

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas to all Respiratory friends!

Merry Christmas to all Respiratory friends!!!
Thank you for all your permanent help and support in this hard year! We realized very useful things for promotion of ALL Respiratory diseases! We are hoping that we will continue this work with your help and in 2013.
You can join our Respiratory multinational and multilateral initiative! We welcome to join our team via all our groups and pages!
Merry Christmas from Respiratory Decade team!

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

TBNET Academy: FREE fellowships grants

The 2nd TBNET Academy will take place in Chisinau, Moldova from May 19th to May 23rd, 2013.

The TBNET-Academy provides a forum for young clinicians and scientists in the field of TB to exchange ideas and to learn from each other under expert guidance and mentorship. Especially the 2nd TBNET-Academy in Chisinau will draw attention to the particular problems of TB control and treatment in high incidence countries by addressing local problems and learning from international and local experts.
More information:

Keynote lectures on:
Tuberculosis in Europe
TBNET: Collaborative Research in Europe
The future on TB treatment
Non tuberculous mycobacteria infections
Tb control and elimination
Special features:
How to prepare a research project?
How to get funded?
How to write a manuscript?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Quit smoking: Italian version!!!

Today we are presenting you Smettere di fumare fumando, the movie by Italian director Gianni Pacinotti
From 40 to zero cigarettes at once. This Documentary was filmed the first ten days of tobacco abstinence. The result was a movie!!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

New Strategies of Prevention of Respiratory Diseases in Moldova

Dear Respiratory friends I would like to share with you my presentation about New Strategies of Prevention of Respiratory Diseases from National Health Forum from Moldova 23.11.2012!
It is on New program of prevention of Respiratory Disease in Moldova and study of Burden of Obstructive Lung Diseases in Moldova! Now we are looking for funding of this study! 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sunday Respiratory Video: LIFE IN SMOKE - UNA VITA IN FUMO

November is a Lung Cancer Awareness Month!!
Respiratory Decade is supporting all Respiratory initiative!
Today we are posting Life in Smoke - Una Vita in Fumo is a short-film created completly by our Italian friend Gianluca Fratellini. The story tells about Phil, a man like everyone else yet different, has a mother that smokes. They have an unusual experience of meeting the world of cigarettes, which changes his life, as well as the lives of others.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Opening of the photo exhibition „STOP TB! Tuberculosis - A worldwide menace“ 9th of November 2012

Today we are happy to present you special report from our friend Cordula from Take That TB organization about the opening of photo exhibition dedicated to Tuberculosis! We are highlighting today tuberculosis as one of the dangerous communicable disease, which can be prevented and treated with success!
Tuberculosis is a forgotten illness in Europe. In many other parts of the world this illness is still rife  and shows in connection with AIDS a menace for the world health.  
On the 9th of November 2012 the photo exhibition „STOP TB! Tuberculosis - A worldwide menace“  was opened. It was carried out in cooperation with the stop TB Partnership. 
The exhibition shows impressing photo reports from  photojournalists like Pulitzer prizewinner David Rochkind. They all have documented the situation of tuberculosis patients worldwide for several years. After an introductory talk of the epidemiologist Dr. Stefanie Castell of the Helmholtz centre Braunschweig that inspired the audience by its descriptiveness, possibilities of the fight against TB were discussed with a high-carat occupied panel discussion. During this panel discussion Dr. Peter Reff of the KfW developing bank said, ’It is a scandal that all 20 seconds a person must die because of a remediable illness like tuberculosis. Prof. Dr. Klaus Fleischer of the German leprosy and tuberculosis relief (DAHW) underlined that tuberculosis is above all a poverty illness. Mrs. Diekwisch of the pharmaceutical campaign BUKO and Mrs. Heykes-Uden of the tuberculosis advice centre of the region Hannover agreed that poverty fight, the improvement of the living conditions and access to education are most important components in the fight against tuberculosis.
The appearance of Cordula whose tuberculosis illness was not recognised in Germany more than 15 months by several doctors was very moving. The courageous young woman reported that many doctors did not recognise her illness for a long time and she also talked about unawareness about tuberculosis. Now the young woman fights together with the German leprosy and tuberculosis relief (DAHW) and with her own patient organization for a better understanding and knowledge of the illness in Germany. „ Such cases show us that we must fight for more awareness of tuberculosis in Germany, and our exhibition contributes an important part to it“, both curators Harro Schmidt and 
Dr. Matthias Stehr added.
The exhibition runs from November 10th to December 16th 2012 in the arts centre “Faust” in Hannover. 

Opening hours:
Thursdays + Friday 4pm - 8pm
Saturday + Sunday 2pm - 6pm

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

WORLD COPD DAY 2012: Global effort to fight COPD!!!

Today is World COPD Day 2012! One more step for increasing of awareness at the global level is done! Many people made today many things for promotion of COPD around the world! Many people performed today Spirometry for the first time! 
But what unmet need in COPD we are having?
Somebody will say this is early detection, somebody will say its treatment, somebody will say prevention is the most important thing! But we are sure that we cannot realize nothing without AWARENESS for COPD! Awareness this is what we need! At our opinion awareness can be raised by respiratory professionals, with limitation of the influence of pharmaceutical industry! Unfortunately its very easy to talk about awareness, but its so hard to create it! More than 550 COPD SUPPORTERS joined us on WORLD COPD DAY on facebook!! With your help we are becoming the most attended World COPD Day 2012 worldwide!!  
Just do it together! 
Spread the WORD!!!
It is just 4 letters C-O-P-D!!!!

World COPD Day is a global RESPIRATORY effort to expand understanding of COPD and advocate for better care for RESPIRATORY patients. Organized by the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease (GOLD), the Day is marked by activities implemented by health care professionals and patient groups throughout the world!!!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Use COPD GOLD Ribbon!!!

Use COPD GOLD Ribbon this month for helping us to spread the word and increase awareness for COPD!!! We are continuing COPD awareness Day and also month! 

We started this week with this:
Something missing? ;) Its place for our COPD GOLD Ribbon! Spreading the word!

And finished with this:
We are finding missing yesterday COPD GOLD Ribbon! Thanks to Ulrich Kuemmel!

Monday, November 5, 2012


We are happy to present you post from Kandy Blankartz!! Thank you Kandy!
I am writing this to remind you that November is COPD AWARENESS Month, the day of November for COPD AWARENESS is NOV 14, 2012. We hope to persuade you to add simple spirometry screening for COPD to all your community relations education events during November and on World COPD DAY.
There are many COPD groups a person can join to get help on the internet and on Face Book. They are all there willing to help you. There is EFFORTs, COPD Support, USCOPD Coalition, COPD Friends for Friends, COPD Support. These also are of help, Gold website, NLHEP, These have life styles tips, current trial information, awareness campaign activities, books and magazines resources.
As you know COPD is now the 3rd leading cause of death in America. Usually COPD is not usually diagnosed until people have begun to show obvious symptoms. By then they may have already may have lost 50% of their lung capacity. Spirometry is very important for testing your lungs. Inexpensive spirometry are available at our local hospital.
The theme this year for COPD AWARENESS is "Its Not To Late"!! 

Kandy Blankartz
Mobridge, SD

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Respiratory Decade is launching COPD Electronic Marathon 2012

We got many requests from you to continue our  COPD Electronic Marathon, which was launched and hosted by Respiratory Decade in 2010!
Today we are happy to announce the start of new initiative for 2012: COPD Electronic Marathon!
The aim of COPD Electronic Marathon is to let the general public find more useful information about COPD via social media. The Marathon will last one month, till the 14th of November 2012, which is the World COPD Day.

We will post educational materials, videos, scientific articles, patient stories: all about COPD - both for patients and doctors.
We encourage all of you to take part and to be active, you can post on our page or share our posts. Every post connected with the theme is welcomed and precious for us.



Thursday, October 18, 2012

Breaking news: Tobacco industry attacks

Today, we want to support our Respiratory friends and colleagues from 3 key well-known anti-tobacco organizations from Brussels! This night offices of European Respiratory Society (ERS), Smoke Free Partnership (SFP) and European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) were broken into and confidential data relating to the revision of the EU Tobacco Products Directive and other issues were stolen.
All organisations have offices in the same building on 49-51 Rue des Treves, Brussels (on the 2nd and 5th floors). When Police arrived, it was soon apparent that only 3 offices (from a building with over 20) had been broken into - with SFP, ERS and EPHA being the only organisations ransacked and with multiple items missing. 

We are supporting all anti-tobacco initiatives! We want to say to all  our friends that we need to continue this struggle with tobacco and tobacco industry! These cruel actions confirm that it is business, but this business becomes illegal not only by their dirty methods of promotion in low income countries, but also by their struggle with anti-smoking organizations and leading European policy makers!

We want to call everybody to continue this fight with Smoking Industry because at the moment its represents real risk for the health of mankind and for the life of the next generations!
Be strong! Smoke Free Society is a very real!    

Saturday, October 13, 2012

The 2012 European Lung Foundation Award

The 2012 European Lung Foundation Award was presented to the 30 Lung Champions of the World Spirometry Day campaign, but the winner was famous Norwegian Olympic rowing champion, Olaf Tufte.
Chair of the European Lung Foundation, Monica Fletcher, said: “Olaf is a true champion and does not let his asthma limit or impact on his dedication to his goals. As the face of the World Spirometry Day campaign, we wanted to recognise Olaf’s hard work at achieving his ambitions and inspiring the next generation of athletes. Exercise is such an important part of managing asthma and we hope others with the condition will be motivated by Olaf’s attitude to reaching the peak of his sport.”
Olaf accepted the award at the European Respiratory Society's Annual Congress in Vienna, on behalf of the 30 Lung Champions. He was also joined by 11-year old Alex Supple; a dedicated rugby player and Lung Champion from the UK, who also lives with asthma.

Tufte European Lung Foundation Award from Donald O. Costello on Vimeo.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Photo exhibition at Hannover: STOP TB! Tuberculosis - A Global Threat

"STOP TB! Tuberculosis - A Global Threat. "Under this title, Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover cooperates with the Stop TB Partnership for the first time. A large selection of photos of the "Images to Stop Tuberculosis Photo Award 'in Europe following the successfully conducted, great photojournalism project (the Stop TB Partnership in Rio de Janeiro) will be shown by the work of five internationally renowned photographer Jean Chung, Sailendra Kharel, Riccardo Venturi, David Roch Child and David Orr. The photojournalists have documented the situation of TB patients worldwide.

Picture by Jean Chung

Showing more than 50 photographic works and four photo stories as a multimedia presentation, the large-size exhibits impressively show the suffering and the hope of the people who are affected by tuberculosis. In the exhibition, unique shots from different countries are shown, which are most affected by the disease, such as India, Nepal, Sudan and Brazil. The representation of a Sudanese boy who is cared for by his parents lovingly or moribund patients in an Indian hospital left a profound and lasting impressions. Other photographs show patients treated successfully and provide unique examples of the perseverance of the individual and the hope for a cure, despite serious illness.

Picture by Jean Chung

Friday, September 28, 2012

Happy World Heart Day 2012!

World Heart Day 2012 is today, Saturday, September 29. World Heart Day was created by the World Heart Federation in 2000 to educate people around the world that heart disease and stroke are the world’s leading cause of death, claiming 17.3 million lives each year, with higher numbers each year. This year’s theme is “One World, One Heart, One Home,” with a focus on women, children and cardiovascular disease.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Opening Ceremony of ERS Congress 2012: sound:frame Vienna Visuals

Todays post is about original Opening Ceremony of ERS Congress at Vienna, 1 September 2012. We are sharing with you this wonderful presentation.

THE MEDICINE EDIT : sound:frame Vienna Visuals from sound:frame on Vimeo.
For creation of special atmosphere of Vienna was invited the famous VJ duo Luma.Launisch, alias Astrid Steiner and Florian Launisch, which usually create their surreal worlds on screens in techno-clubs and classical concert halls. All visual act was accompanied by Klezmer music by Roman Grinberg & Enesemble. 
Special thanks to Florian Launisch for permission to use this video.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Sunday Respiratory Video: Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis is OUT OF DARKNESS!

We are continuing Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis World Week 2012! We are happy to present you Italian documentary OUT OF DARKNESS! This is movie about Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis! Ir was created by students from University of Modena, Italy! It is very inspirational documentary. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Today is a Global Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Day

Today is a Global Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Day!
Respiratory Decade is participating actively in promoting of this important event at the global level! You can join today webcasts from Modena, Italy and Denver, USA!

In 2007, the United States Congress supported the designation of "National Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Week" to take place each year in September. This year, as part of a full month of awareness activities, was designated September 22nd as Global Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Day and will offer a "Living with Pulmonary Fibrosis" educational event in partnership with the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in Modena, Italy, and National Jewish Health, in Denver, Colorado. Sessions will include: “What is Pulmonary Fibrosis?,” "The Role of Support Groups,” and “Tools for Living Better with Pulmonary Fibrosis" and will be followed by a Q&A period.
Webcasts will take place in Modena, Italy, at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (San Geminiano Complex, Via San Geminiano 3) and in Denver, Colorado, at National Jewish Health (Molly Blank Conference Center).

In addition to the broadcast locations in Modena and Denver, individuals will be able to view the webcasts at Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) centers in Europe and the United States. Patients, caregivers, and family members will be able to come together to view the presentation in a supportive environment at a convenient location. A health care professional will be present at these sites to answer any questions viewers may have.
The session in Modena will begin at 4:00 p.m. (CEST) / 9:00 a.m. (CDT)
(Attending in person? Registration begins at 3:30 p.m.)
The webcast will be presented in English with simultaneous live French, German, Italian, and Spanish translations.
The Denver session will begin at 10:00 a.m. (MDT) / 11:00 a.m.(CDT)
(Attending in person? Registration begins at 9:30 a.m.)
To view the webcasts click on 'Live from Modena' and 'Live from Denver' in the top menu.
If you are unable to attend the ILD center viewings, anyone may view the webcasts from the comfort of their own home via the internet.
Webcasts will be available at

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Take That TB: TB has many faces and many languages!

Dear friends, we are happy to present today to you our new partners international organization Take That TB! We had meeting at Vienna and discuss about this exiting project dedicated and created for patient with tuberculosis.

We are publishing very inspirational manifesto by Take That TB:

We are a group of former patients from Europe and Australia and we are trying to build a meeting area “From Patients For Patients”.
Our aim is the exchange between patients and the discussion about our experiences with TB.
We want to be a platform for patients on treatment and for former patients who want to exchange about their experiences with TB.
We want to be a chatroom for patients in isolation.
While others are busy working hard in the fight to develop better drugs and treatment regimes, we want to be a place for patients to get the support and understanding that only other patients can give…
Collectively we can offer great support to each other, and help raise the awareness of TB in our communities, and help remove the stigma this disease has unfortunately associated with it.
We welcome doctors and hospital staff to join us, to help you understand TB from another point of view… to help you have another resource to offer your patients to help them through their experience. 

We want to talk about our experiences during treatment and afterwards and make the stay in hospital a little bit better.
As a result of our exchange we want to make an ebook / book or journal with TB patient stories from as many countries as possible. We want to write this in our / your mother tongue (and English) to show that TB can be found worldwide and that TB has many faces and many languages!!
Not all patients have the possibility to use the Internet for information and many patients also have no computer.
So this document should also show these patients that TB has got not only THEM but many others, from all countries, all age groups and all social classes.
It could be support for the TB patients on treatment and a review for former patients.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Press Conference at ERS Annual Congress 2012: Connection between Parental Problems and Children's Non-Adherence to Asthma Medication

Professor Paul Brand, Princess Amalia children's Clinic, The Netherlands presented a study on parental problems which prevent children taking much-needed asthma medication.

The motive of realising this investigation is the indeterminacy of major barriers which many little patients face while asthma treatment. The research was based not only on clinical cases, but mostly on discussion of hows and whys of (non)adherence. A part of qualitative study consisted in recording and analysing of factors associated with family lifestyles which could be causing low adherence to asthma medication.  
It was established that there are several types of users:

1) Followers manifest stable adherence to doctor's prescriptions.  These are highly disciplined parents who are always aware of giving the medicine to their children. 

2) Self-managers usually look closely at how child is doing. They have a high observation spirit and link the treatment to their schedule. 

3) A highly variable adherence is typical for Strugglers who follow the medication in a disordered way.

4) Chaotic users belong to the families with lower education. They never force the child and are even shocked when the kids do not take the medication. They think of a child as of an adult who is responsible and can do everything by himself.

In-depth interviews have shown that the lifestyle factors often hide behind children's non-adherence to the prescribed medication. It was concluded that parenting problems can be the reasons of ineffective following of the treatment.
Therefore it would be reasonable if doctors would give a genuine interest in what happens with the patient and would encourage the parents to keep a close eye on their child's adherence. Otherwise it will be impossible to reveal and to remove the barriers preventing the appropriate asthma treatment in children.

Respiratory Decade Official Media-Representative at ERS 2012 Vienna Congress

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Highlights from European Respiratory Society Congress 2012, Vienna

Next week the biggest respiratory meeting in the world will start! It is European Respiratory Society Congress which this year will take place in Vienna, Austria!

As usual ERS Congress will give possibility to learn about the latest innovations in clinical and basic science, practice and patient care from the leaders of opinion who set the standards in respiratory medicine at the global level.

For the first time will be organized evening dedicated to young scientists. On Tuesday, September 4, an informal networking session has been organised to provide young researchers with an opportunity to meet and discuss with senior members of the ERS.

Also we want to share with you invitation from ERS President Klaus Rabe on special event dedicated to World Spirometry Day 2012: 
I would like to extend a personal invitation to all Congress participants to join me, the ERS leadership and the Mayor of Vienna in a (Fun) Lung Run on Sunday, September 2 at 07:00, at the Prater. Do come and share 5 kilometers of lung-boosting exercise, running or walking for an extraordinary cause!

Respiratory Decade Official Media-Representative at ERS 2012 Vienna Congress 

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Laura Trott is a Double Olympic track cycling champion

British cyclist, Laura Trott has battled back from a collapsed lung at birth to win two gold medals at the London 2012 Games.
After being born prematurely, Laura’s lung collapsed and she was left fighting for her life. The lungs are one of the last organs babies develop and premature birth can increase the risk of respiratory problems.
After overcoming this, Laura developed asthma during childhood, which is also thought to be a consequence of premature birth. Her parents were advised that as an asthmatic, it would be even more important for Laura to engage in regular exercise, so she took up cycling to help manage her symptoms.
Now, 13 years later Laura has competed on the international stage, securing two gold medals for her country in track cycling.
Laura said: "It's hard to believe I've gone from fighting for my life to being a world champion and competing in the Games."
Nothing can prepare you for winning one Olympic gold medal, let alone two, as I found out on Tuesday night when I won the omnium at the velodrome. Suddenly you are on another planet as you get whisked from one media engagement to another. Not that I am complaining, I am well known for being able to talk the hind legs off a donkey, and I missed all the fun when we won the team pursuit on Saturday night, when I stayed in to prepare for the omnium.
It can take your breath away after you leave the podium. I did the TV and radio, and then the mixed zone, which was a real scrum and it was difficult to hear anything that was said. Then I went to the main press conference which was a bit different with the journalists applauding you, which was nice. Apparently it is a tradition for gold medal winners.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Real Lung Champion from Australia: Esther Overton

Today we are posting one more inspirational story of the Lung Champion: Esther Overton!
22 year old, Esther Overton, is an Australian Paralympic swimmer.

Esther was born with a condition called arthrogryposis multiplex congenita, which affects her from the neck down. All of her joints are fixed, meaning her bones break easily. She refuses to let her disability prevent her from achieving her goals and has risen to the top of her sport.
In 2008 just 9 weeks before Esther was due to compete at the Beijing Paralympics, she suffered a collapsed lung during a physiotherapy treatment. She was determined to compete despite still struggling with breathing issues when she swam. She finished fifth in the 50m backstroke and sixth in the 50m freestyle.
She has also held Australian records in the S3 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle,100m backstroke and 50m butterfly.
Esther said:
When I suffered a collapsed lung, I was determined to get in the pool and do my very best because I had trained all my life for that moment. Back then I was disappointed with my results but now I realise that I was very lucky that I was still able to compete and final in both of my events.
Anything is possible if you are willing to try and work hard.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Sunday Respiratory Video: Florence and machine

We are lucky to present you our new Sunday Respiratory video:

Friday, August 3, 2012

Lung Champion Julie Bradshaw: asthma never let stop me from doing what I want to achieve

We are continuing preparation for World Spirometry Day 2012 campaign: 5-km Lung Run, which will take place during the European Respiratory Society Congress in Vienna.
As part of the World Spirometry Day 2012 campaign, various people with lung diseases have been recognised as 'Lung Champions' as a result of their personal achievements in sport and activity.
Today we are happy to present you another Lung Champion!

Julie Bradshaw is a world-record breaking English Channel and Marathon swimmer.
Julie developed asthma as a teenager but managed to play hockey, run two London Marathons in under four hours and a variety of other sports, as well as swimming.
Julie first swam the English Channel solo aged 15 in a British Junior Record and in 2002 conquered it again using the most strenuous swimming stroke, the Butterfly; a feat she completed in 14 hours 18 minutes. This smashed the previous one and only record by over nine hours.

Julie said:
I developed asthma as a teenager, but I’ve never let it stop me from doing what I want to achieve. I just focus on a goal and what I can do well, rather than on the asthma. I learnt to swim at a very young age and swimming has been a great sport for keeping me active despite my condition. I use a ventolin when I need it and I make sure I recognise my body and when it needs less pushing.

More about Lung Champions, World Spirometry Day 2012 and World Spirometry Day 2012 5-km Lung Run you can find HERE.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Lung Champion Dmitrijs Jurkevics: Asthma can’t stop me doing what I enjoy

We are continuing preparation for  World Spirometry Day 2012 campaign:  5-km Lung Run, which will take place during the European Respiratory Society Congress in Vienna.
As part of the World Spirometry Day 2012 campaign, various people with lung diseases have been recognised as 'Lung Champions' as a result of their personal achievements in sport and activity.
Today we are happy present you another Lung Champion!
Dmitrijs Jurkevics is a Latvian track and field athlete who specialises in middle- distance running. He has had asthma since childhood but has not let that stop him represent his country on the international stage.
He competed in the 1500 metres at the 2011 World Universade in Shenzhen, China and came sixth in the final. He also holds the Latvian record in 1500 metres. Dmitrijs achieved this result in Prague in June 2011 and bettered that mark by over a second and a half to 3: 37,35 minutes in Sollentuna Grand Prix a few weeks later. He will be representing Latvia at Olympic Games in London.
Dmitrijs Jurkevics said:
“Asthma can’t stop me doing what I enjoy. I know how important it is for anyone to keep active and even walking can be beneficial. It’s no secret that exercise can help you stay healthy and it’s important to make time in a day to do some form of activity – your body will thank you in the future!”

More about Lung Champions, World Spirometry Day 2012 and  World Spirometry Day 2012 5-km Lung Run you can find HERE.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

World Spirometry Day 2012: The Lung Champions campaign

Today we are starting preparation for World Spirometry Day 2012 campaign:  5-km Lung Run, which will take place during the European Respiratory Society Congress in Vienna.

As part of the World Spirometry Day 2012 campaign, various people with lung diseases have been recognised as 'Lung Champions' as a result of their personal achievements in sport and activity.
Norwegian rower, Olaf Tufte will compete in his 5th Olympic Games at London 2012. Few rowers have competed in 5 Olympics, and even fewer have competed four times in the single sculls race during the Olympics.
He has won two gold medals and one silver medal in Olympic competition so far, and is on target to contend for a fourth medal.
Olaf’s achievements put him at the pinnacle of the sport and place him in the small group of the sport’s most-admired athletes. He has reached the top of his game, despite having asthma.
When Olaf is not competing on the world stage, he works on his family’s grain and forestry farm, which involves daily, strenuous work out in the weather, crops, dirt and dust. These conditions could cause problems for a person with asthma, but Olaf is disciplined with managing his condition to carry out his work.
Olaf was the only Norwegian rower to compete at the 2008 Olympics. Not content with keeping national glory to himself, Olaf resolved to inspire the next generation of rowers in his country and bring them up to international standard, ready for London 2012. 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Sunday Respiratory Video: LUNG TRIO

We are continuing Sunday Respiratory Video posts.
A trio of lungs breathing. Created during a residency at Oboro in Montreal, it is a prototype for the project Breath I/O (Chorus of Lungs).

lung trio from Maria Lantin on Vimeo.
The breathing was recorded at Oboro and stretched/compressed to give each pair of lungs a different rhythm. The lung animations are stretched/compressed to match the breathing.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

LUNGUAGE and ReSpublic: new Respiratory resources

Dear Respiratory friends, we are happy to launch LUNGUAGE and ReSpublic: two new Respiratory Resources. Here we will share all new information about all respiratory!

We are encouraging everybody to share with us all relevant respiratory resources, because LUNGUAGE and ReSpublic will be the First Free open sources of Respiratory information for Health care professionals, patients and all public interested in lung health! 

Our LUNGUAGE is Respiratory! 

LUNGUAGE and ReSpublic: new Respiratory resources

Dear Respiratory friends, we are happy to launch LUNGUAGE and ReSpublic: two new Respiratory Resources. Here we will share all new information about all respiratory!

We are encouraging everybody to share with us all relevant respiratory resources, because LUNGUAGE and ReSpublic will be the First Free open sources of Respiratory information for Health care professionals, patients and all public interested in lung health! 

Our LUNGUAGE is Respiratory! 

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Olympic Games 2012 is a Really Respiratory Event

In only two days will be started Olympic Games 2012 at London! Traditionally Olympic Games is a celebration of sport and health. This year for the second time is having place World Spirometry Day, which was organized at 27 June 2012!

WSD this year was dedicated to Olympic Games, because this a wonderful chance to make visible for general population lung conditions. 

The concept behind this year’s activities is to use the Olympics as an inspiration to get people interested in spirometry testing and to educate them about their lung health and its importance for a healthy and active life. It also aims to ensure that people with lung disease feel that they can keep moving and keep active to ensure that they have fulfilled lives with optimal lung health. 
Another link between Olympics and Lung health: the very well known fact that many athlets are having asthma. It was described and defined 100 years A.D. by Araeteus the Cappodican: ‘‘If from running, gymnastic exercises or any other work, the breathing become difficult, it is called asthma’’. 
Exercise-induced asthma is caused by heat loss and water loss through respiration during exercise, leading to mediator release in the airways and to increased parasympathetic nervous activity in the airways, thereby causing constriction of bronchial smooth muscle and increased bronchial secretions as well as vasodilation in the bronchial vessels. Development of asthma and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in the competing elite athlete is presently considered to be caused by the frequently repeated increased ventilation occurring during training and competitions. 

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Respiratory Video: Chorus of Lungs

Very exciting interactive video installation was displayed at Montreal's Studio XX gallery. Its name Chorus of Lungs!

Chorus of Lungs from Maria Lantin on Vimeo.
In the interactive video installation, in progress, Chorus of Lungs, Tulip Theory (Leila Sujir & Maria Lantin) explore the social body, its voice and breath through 3D video and audio projections. Sounds of breathing ebb and flow, a chorus of lungs floats in the gallery, sharing a space with the viewer. The viewer is invited to make a gesture with their hands—pushing the hands together, then pulling the hands apart, actions which compress or create a space for the lungs to become a chorus both visually and audibly. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis WORLD WEEK 2012

Today, we are happy to present a special event dedicated to Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: this is Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis World Week 2012, which will take place globally from 23 to 30 September 2012! You are welcome to participate actively! Join Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis World Week 2012!
We dont have RARE diseases and we dont have RARE patients! We need more knowledge about this disease! And now we are spreading WORD! Join us!  

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF | Fibrosi Polmonare Idiopatica) is a disease characterized by progressive scarring, or fibrosis, of the lungs. It is a specific type of interstitial lung disease in which the small air sacs of the lung, known as “alveoli,” gradually become replaced by fibrotic (scar) tissue. The abnormal fibrosis and scar formation typically begins in the terminal areas of the pulmonary tree lining the air sacs where gas exchange occurs. Normally, this tissue is a thin layer consisting of a few, easily permeable cells. With IPF, progressive scarring causes the normally thin and pliable tissue to thicken and become stiff, making it more difficult for the lungs to expand, preventing oxygen from readily getting into the bloodstream.
There is a corresponding increase in respiratory symptoms with dyspnea, air hunger and a non-productive cough. Idiopathic, or of unknown cause, IPF is not thought to be related to any other disease or condition, such as cancer or asthma. IPF is a uniformly fatal disease, with an estimated median survival time of two to five years. There are currently no medicines approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of patients with IPF.

There are no known causes for IPF. However, the disease is typically found in people between the ages of 40 and 80, and affects more men than women. Cigarette smoking may increase the risk of developing IPF. Some cases of IPF occur in patients who have family members with the disease, which suggests that genetic factors may contribute to the risk of developing IPF in certain individuals.

Although these risk factors are associated with IPF, it is important to remember that they have not been shown to cause IPF -- the cause of IPF is still unknown.


Once considered a relatively rare disease, IPF is now recognized as the most common interstitial lung disease (interstitial refers to the tissue surrounding the alveoli).
An estimated 100,000 people are living with IPF in the United States, and more than 30,000 new cases are diagnosed annually.
The incidence of IPF is greater than that of ovarian cancer, similar to those of pancreatic cancer and of all leukemias combined, and nearly 30 times that of cystic fibrosis.
73% of patients with IPF are > 65 years of age.
The 5-year mortality rate for patients with IPF is 50% to 70%.


To create a teaser for the event, Rosalba Mele developed a poster and a banner that can be attached to emails or posted on associations` websites. The poster and banner allows for any
association using it to personalize with their own logo. The image used in the poster/banner is intended
to make people smile and soften their hearts: Two elderly people blowing soap-bubbles or balloons
who are happy because they have the breath to do so. This is intended to be a starting point to discuss
the disease and its symptoms.

All the graphics will be available for free to any association interested in participating in IPF World Week. 

info line: Rosalba Mele | AMA FUORI DAL BUIO |
+393477111044 | |

Thursday, July 19, 2012

World Spirometry Day 5-km Lung Run: Do you run with us at Vienna?

As the final fitting activity in the World Spirometry Day campaign, the World Spirometry Day 5-km Lung Run will take place during the European Respiratory Society Congress in Vienna.
Show your support for
World Spirometry Day and for lung health by beating European Respiratory Society President Klaus Rabe and European Lung Foundation Chair Monica Fletcher, along with their Forum of International Society (FIRS) colleagues, across the finish line.
07:00 Sunday, September 2, 2012
Wiener Prater public park – 5 minutes from the Reed Messe Wien

For more info and Registration CLICK HERE:

This is your chance to be a lung champion and to bring the baton home for your country, university, institution or company.

Monday, July 16, 2012

ERS school course on pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary vascular disease, Lausanne 2012

At the end of June, I participated in European Respiratory Society (ERS) School dedicated to Pulmonary Hypertension and Pulmonary Vascular Disease, which took place at Lausanne, Switzerland. 
This course was designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of pulmonary hypertension and pulmonary vascular disease and to understand the processes of diagnosis and management of the various pulmonary vascular conditions.
The ERS course was prepared and organised by world-known faculty: Professors A. Peacock (UK), R. Naeije (Belgium) and S. Gaine (Ireland).

ERS School on Pulmonary Hypertension at Lausanne, Switzerland on 30 June 2012 - with Professor Robert Naeije (Belgium), Hoppenot D. (Lithuania), Professor Michele DAlto (Italy), Rusakova O. (Russia), Maneikiene V. (Lithuania), Irina Starodubtseva (Russia), Professor Andrew Peacock (UK), Leyla Ismayilova (Azerbaijan), Alina Badea (Romania) and Alexandru Corlateanu (Moldova).

The course also discussed diagnostic techniques and new treatment modalities to help physicians managing their patients in association with their pulmonary hypertension centres.
In very short time all presentations from this Course will be published on official site of ERS:
 World Spirometry Day 2012 in Lausanne

Monday, July 9, 2012

Defining COPD: from simplistic approach to multilateral assessment of COPD

My article Defining COPD: from simplistic approach to multilateral assessment of COPD is appearing online today in Spinger Journal -  Current Respiratory Care Reports. Current Respiratory Care Reports provides clear expert reviews of the most important original papers recently published in the field of respiratory care.  

A source for current research, diagnostic and management techniques for patients with respiratory-related disorders

  • Offers expert reviews of important recent research papers in the field of respiratory care
  • Provides supplementary reviews, featuring recent clinical trials
  • Presents commentaries from well-known figures in the field.

Abstract  of my article:

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a multisystemic pathology, which cannot be characterized, diagnosed or assessed only by the severity of airflow limitation. Thus, it appears there is urgent unmet need of new approach in COPD. In this article we review the most recent multidimensional classification of COPD, based on analysis of functional and physiologic parameters, health status, and risk of exacerbations. A, B, C, D system will permit a more accurate risk stratification of patients. In addition, new trends are presented in assessment of COPD: from phenotypes, multidimensional indices, scale-free networks and diseasome to radical concept of P4 medicine (Personalized, Predictive, Preventive, and Participatory elements).  


COPD – Comorbidity – Exacerbation – CAT – Systemic effects – Assessment – GOLD classification – Severity – Phenotypes – Scale-free networks – Diseasome